me very political, me very smart (38)

32 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9067 02:12

And you might be wondering why it's called ecofascism. Fascism tends to scare people off. It's because these days, people care more about personal freedom than collective responsibility. People want the freedom to pollute, waste, and consume. But what about the freedom for future generations to live in a world that isn't polluted, overheated, and generally uninhabitable? Some types of freedom infringe on others. Freedom to fuck up the environment infringes on the rights of everyone.

Hyper-individuality is a cancer on society. You could say that "I'm just one person, I don't contribute much to climate change or pollution" but that's how EVERYONE tries to get out of doing anything about these very real and very serious problems. Recycling isn't enough. It's not even a drop in the bucket.

We'd need an authoritarian government that forces people to do what's right, because people won't do it otherwise. It's not nice, but dying due to fucking up our atmosphere and ice caps isn't nice either.

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