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157 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9295 01:56

okay, that makes some logical sense, let's do the math

if the government paid us interest on excess tax withholdings, it would probably have to be at a competitive rate with banks' business lines of credit or they'd just borrow from them instead - I'll use Bank of America which offers 7%

for a hypothetical $2000 return we're paying about $38.47 in excess withholdings a week, now plug that all into something like https://www.savingscalculator.org/weekly/

result: the gubmint is robbing us to the tune of $73 a year

now $73 isn't nothing particularly if you're poor, but is it worth getting butthurt to the tune of boycotting your entire return over? you decide. meanwhile I'll just donate plasma a few times or work a little overtime to earn at least that much cash and counteract my losses

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