[BEYOND DQN] Someone else's comment from some site nobody knows [PASTE] [PART 6] (999)

905 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10154 19:59

Some background info: I live in a non-metropolitan urban area in Jersey and am over 18.

I practice Kendo (Japanese sword style) and started open carrying a small katana (kowakizashi) for my protection. My job sometimes requires I come in at very late hours with no notice.

Anyways, here's what happened: there were some people hanging out on the street, they started giving me looks. I thought my sword was sticking out of its wrapping (I usually drape my sword with my flannel or hoodie to not bring attention to myself). One guy called out to me. I looked over while I passed. He asked me what I was doing, I told him "nothing" and keep walking. He was probably a bit older than me and wearing a mask. I actually walked past him without issue. Afterwards, the other guy chimed in and said something along the lines of "My friend asked you a question". I told them I'm not interested and picked up my pace. I know I heard them step towards me so I reached into my flannel-wrap around the case and did a belly slice turning around to show I'm not going to be an easy target. I started growling and took a step forward. I don't know why I did that -- Either of those things, I guess I wanted to intimidate them. I started backing up, still pointing the sword at them, they stayed where they were. The other guy had his phone in his hand. When I was out of their view I ran to work and told my coworker what happened. She advised me not to call the police because it could seem like I instigated.

The other guy might have been recording me after I pulled out the sword. I know it's not super legal to even open-carry in Jersey, but I felt scared being outside at night alone. Besides, those two guys made me feel unsafe. Can I be held accountable when I felt in danger?

I'm thinking now I should have just crossed the street, but I didn't want to offend anyone.
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