Decentralized textboard features (12)

10 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9902 17:42

In the OP, and later in >>4, you seem to be claiming that what you have is novel, and that you want to advance the current field of textboards/forums/BBSs/etc. That may not be your intention, but it does read that way. With that as a goal, it's completely reasonable for me (and the others in this thread) to point out prior work. The point is then "You seem to be missing significant information, without which you cannot reasonably hope to accomplish your goal: here it is".

Now it's more clear that your goal is less Napoleonic than it first appeared, and I think I understand enough to give you some responses.

- It needs a way to deal with spam, taking the decentralization into account. This is probably the hardest one, because you have to plan for it before you see examples. It's also consistently the biggest obstacle to any communication system that doesn't include some sort of manual moderation.

- Consider the killfiles of advanced usenet clients, the regex filters on 4chan, and the pretty-much nothing that we've got here. These are responses to how the clients (encouraged by the protocol) display messages. The more the user feels that they are directly receiving the message, the more control they want over what to block/ignore. The more the user feels like they are observing from outside the system, the easier it is to get by without heavy-duty filtering.

- It needs some way to deal with people who want to post images and large data content text-encoded, because nobody wants to run a node of what's advertised as a textboard only to spend 99% of their disk space on shitty base64-encoded porn.

- It needs web server interface because I'm not going to install special software just to test out a forum that I don't know if I like.

- It needs a standalone interface because browsers suck.

- Some jackass may bother you at some point about implementing ActivityPub. You'll want to have a prepared response.

- It needs some manner of passing links to past threads that humans can easily obtain and share, and use their clients to get.

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