Decentralized textboard features (12)

6 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9901 19:45


> can the admin of a node choose which tags he supports

This is the default behavior now; I worry about people misusing the tags feature or doing tag spam. Unsupported tags from remote boards are rewritten to "random" but I could also add features to filter out specific tags (eg NSFW).

> Allowing each admin to create their own tags seems like a reasonable compromise between full on user board/tag creation and predefined tags.


> Wait one second, decentralized textboard? Isn't that just an anonymous Usenet knockoff?

In a sense, yeah. But who really likes Google Groups? NNTPchan is definitely an inspiration in some ways, but I don't agree with all the design decisions.

If you have any thoughts like "I'd like to see..." or "I don't want to see..." that would be super useful!

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