[Extremism][Not Nice][Not Friendly] There is no good reason for this [Raiding?] (17)

1 Name: Most Radical Man Alive : 1993-09-10374 09:44

So this "Ninjasr" guy has an article about us...
AND he has a textboard!
Let's take a look at his board rules, shall we?
‚Æ‚ ‚éEssarr‚̀Rounge
  • Keep everything nice and friendly.
  • No extremism.
  • Avoid starting anything off-topic.

Please note that singular out of place "." in his rules.
Now, to me this is a sign that we, the Elitism Superstructure, should come in and make the most unfriendly, off-topic, extremist thread imaginable.
I've begun one already, feel free to join in:
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