Hikikomori's, Asperger's syndromer's & Autist (195)

74 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-02-19 20:43 ID:NIJO7dGr

Add schizoid personality disorder to the list of reasons people wont go out

I've been told I had "signs of schizoid" by a social worker. I took it as an insult and stopped seeing her. I don't think I am. I'm extremely introverted which I know and I've resigned myself to some facts about the way that my social life will always be, but I still don't think that the symptoms accurately describe me. I don't "not want" relationships, I've come to terms with the fact that I suck at initiating them, and I'll take them as they come and go.

Also, I love to leave the house so long as I don't have to deal with people! I think another factor is that I'm an absolute perfectionist and I consider almost everyone I meet to be a moron. Granted, a good portion of them are, but I tend to judge people in that regard too quickly, and hold others to the same standards to which I hold myself. Paradoxically I feel no shame when I fail to meet my own standards. Just anger with myself followed by forced practice of whatever skill I have failed to execute to my standard.

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