So where are you from then? (409)

1 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2006-06-22 12:59 ID:VFDYgyJT This thread was merged from the former /net/ board. You can view the archive here.

Hello there boys, girls and people of a transgender state. I was just wondering where everyone is from. I'm Irish and I don't seem to have spotted any other Paddy's around. So far I've spotted English,Canadian, Japanese and Americans but I'm pretty much a n00b here so everyone give a shout out for your country/state whatever.
Guy from Tralee,Kerry,Munster,Ireland,EU

301 Name: Rage !CXVxtSPywA : 2008-10-24 17:08 ID:fSNo75cY

Collingwood ontario.

302 Name: Ye Olde DQN : 2008-10-27 18:04 ID:IVoBuxK5

I sure wish I could post again...

(From SEATTLE that is, HEHE, I did it anyway!)


303 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2008-10-28 01:39 ID:ccihU0dr

the one and only :


304 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2008-10-29 22:39 ID:YuvMMKzw

New york

305 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2008-11-02 18:06 ID:NgGQzPjN


306 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2008-11-04 15:03 ID:+5Gz1Mj3


307 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2008-11-06 20:16 ID:X4KV0ZDY


308 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2008-11-08 15:00 ID:MCiapNWe

Sydney ,Australia, 22nd or 23rd Australian to reply

309 Name: Mandy : 2008-11-11 07:39 ID:QlcA8MNG


310 Name: CasiMiro : 2008-11-11 18:05 ID:balIdPJk

central cali

311 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2008-11-12 08:59 ID:a+zWLYTs


312 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2008-11-14 10:28 ID:c+g2A+Ra

Moscow, Russia

313 Name: -[lt]- : 2008-11-15 06:53 ID:AAJa2Y70

Australia, ;)

314 Name: Scotland : 2008-11-15 15:53 ID:/qqvQVWX

scotland, lol the one and only.
Scotland, The Brave

315 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2008-11-18 01:14 ID:0ElU5vjT

I used to live in Boston.

Now I'm stuck in Rochester, NY for four years unless I can think of a way out OH GOD SOMEONE SAVE ME FROM THIS PLACE

316 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2008-11-23 02:24 ID:tOjw9SaL

Porto, Portugal !

317 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2008-11-24 18:30 ID:s31UjOjd


I mildly dislike it here.

318 Name: Jamz : 2008-11-25 22:54 ID:y2uvQfEw

USA, Minnesota here.

319 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2009-01-21 08:35 ID:opPfspKo


320 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2009-01-21 18:18 ID:BYG3Fycw

central america...

321 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2009-01-21 21:33 ID:Heaven

It's ghey here.

322 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2009-01-21 22:12 ID:oUzKihAr

London, England.

323 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2009-01-24 08:17 ID:499Uip8V

southern california, usa

324 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2009-01-25 01:09 ID:4E8ttyw3

Southern California, USA

Also, am not >>323

325 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2009-01-25 02:51 ID:YGboEiHo

The 3rd Danish person!
Denmark , East Jutland, Randers

326 Name: heh man!fi.Jek4HW6!!gGKYHXFO : 2009-01-26 16:30 ID:lMa7avLB


327 Name: Scotland : 2009-02-05 23:52 ID:BIFW8M9A

Scotland, name says it all.
God its snowing right now, well its better than the usual, which is pissing o rain.

328 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2009-02-07 20:27 ID:LYa6zS8e

Nantes, France.

329 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2009-02-09 01:45 ID:X4KV0ZDY

I, too, am from chicago/ohayo!

330 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2009-02-09 03:44 ID:vjynAetG

physical location is of little importance

331 Name: ... : 2009-02-09 07:51 ID:U2eNWTfn

I don't live in the real world anyhow.
Isolation, Mars for all I know.

"Where Phobos holds no sway, Diemos rules the day."

332 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2009-02-10 20:00 ID:0lVNo/q8

Melbourne, Australia

333 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2009-02-10 23:42 ID:uMqfUUX0


334 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2009-02-13 09:39 ID:x+FNIkY5

Las Vegas. The most bullshit city in the entire world.

335 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2009-02-13 12:40 ID:X4KV0ZDY

really? I heard that it was actually a very nice city to live in and totally different from the tourist shit. Is it not a good citY?

336 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2009-02-14 13:19 ID:8yhgJRPo


337 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2009-02-19 23:16 ID:RdyaxOQq

Pennsylvania, in the Poconos. It's fucking cold up here sadly, makes it dangerous to have technology on your person, lest it become too cold to start up for a while...

338 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2009-02-26 15:27 ID:yFVHFYvE

Seattle reporting in!

339 Name: heh man!fi.Jek4HW6!!gGKYHXFO : 2009-03-02 23:01 ID:CZczoZzh

Rossville, GA, USA

340 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2009-03-04 03:31 ID:nEynWw+A

>>332 Melbournite here too!

341 Name: sage : 2009-03-04 22:03 ID:Nx9WBsV6

The west country!! (Gloucesesesester).

342 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2009-03-04 22:14 ID:k+BNUMJF

Arrgh fucking phone's botchy web page layouts...

343 Name: Kitsune : 2009-03-05 22:00 ID:q4e5RTh4

Laguna Beach >.> <.< >.>

344 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2009-03-06 19:51 ID:G3bZPMe6

Rhode Island reporting for duty. Oh wait, no one gives a fuck about RI. I'm here if you need me.

345 Name: NOT A SPY : 2009-03-09 17:58 ID:2omUOhuL


346 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2009-03-24 06:02 ID:gX3EcSO0


No, you're fucking lying.

I'm one town over (Aliso Viejo). I can understand that there's 4channers locally, but VIPPERS?

Bullshit. Neato :3

347 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2009-03-25 10:51 ID:cAE71bSs

I'm finnish.

348 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2009-03-26 21:46 ID:VG2EJ6l4

Woonsocket, Rhode Island

349 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2009-03-29 22:59 ID:G3bZPMe6


You poor bastard. I pass through that place occasionally. It's like the asshole of the universe. It should be scrubbed from the planet in my opinion.

350 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2009-04-01 21:31 ID:CyPpmzrl

ITT: Rich OC fags.

Long Beach, bitches.

351 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2009-04-07 05:20 ID:Yi52zDrh

i think i already wrote here some time ago.. but i forgot. but anyway:


352 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2009-04-10 21:38 ID:LuvfQSY8

No one from the Netherlands?

353 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2009-04-11 20:46 ID:IOFmqLMO

Another finnish here.

354 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2009-04-15 10:39 ID:3BQ03Kek


yeah i'm leaving soon...

355 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2009-04-20 01:27 ID:90ttQAYX

Florida. And goddamnmit I need to get the hell out of here.

356 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2009-04-20 08:17 ID:C1cws4ZK

Paris, France

salut toi !

357 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2009-04-28 14:45 ID:x9/W8on5

Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan

358 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2009-05-02 19:21 ID:mfvOqDvL

california, usa

359 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2009-05-03 12:43 ID:w2LVlUA4

>>144 Yep. Glasgow here as well

360 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2009-05-04 09:44 ID:CSqaLxLd


Where you at? >>284 here, recently moved out to Arizona and I'm now situated in the West Valley! It's certainly very sandy out here.

361 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2009-05-04 10:18 ID:JfNnEEXs


tuurlijk wel, just not that much...

Alkmaar, Netherlands

362 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2009-08-08 21:28 ID:/iTmU9GI

uhm, romanian, nice to meet you, don't know if i'm the only one out here.

363 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2011-08-26 22:31 ID:5oSD7knr

2ch Tokyo Japan.
Hello world.

364 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2011-08-30 07:05 ID:TwGfTy1+

Tauranga,New Zealand

365 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2011-08-30 19:16 ID:tOodzea+

Ohio, United States of America.


366 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2011-08-31 08:52 ID:+7AsA/Ci

Jakarta Indonesia, selamat pagi/siang/sore/malam

367 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2011-09-02 19:36 ID:bfOvitmO

Philippines, Magandang Umaga (Good Morning)

368 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2011-09-07 20:14 ID:7h0WLp0X

Toronto, in Canadia, where milk comes in bags. I'm Portuguese though.

369 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2011-09-13 00:03 ID:hAvPJYRu

Wales. Home of sheep and song.

370 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2011-09-13 21:13 ID:1wn1QrL/

Toulouse, France. Bonsoir !

371 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2011-09-14 02:15 ID:p+QaOQi3

Philippines, on vacation, can't speak a damn word these locals say (even though I was born on this country)

Moving back to Maryland soon.

372 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2011-10-09 09:15 ID:Heaven

This must have been me. Surely, no one else is from that place.

However i remember this thread from years and years ago. I don't think i've posted on this board, this year.

I would have been too busy at university.

373 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2011-11-22 03:20 ID:aWEfdp83

Maine, United States of America.

374 Post deleted.

375 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2011-11-26 15:03 ID:Heaven


376 Name: ausman9000 : 2011-12-31 14:23 ID:T0HvxMGi


377 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2012-03-02 11:50 ID:JEH1Z2CC

Sydney, Australia

378 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2012-03-03 17:13 ID:IU0SPPt9

guayakill, ecuador

379 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2012-03-05 10:22 ID:6y8mqIw8


380 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2012-03-11 14:28 ID:NOsv003U

Aichi prefecture, Japan

381 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2012-03-25 22:26 ID:/J/SUBUc

Toronto, Canada.

382 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2012-06-20 20:48 ID:iZkYYoLC


383 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2012-07-02 17:03 ID:BV2C0hyn


384 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2012-07-04 00:52 ID:vBYnEUun


385 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2012-08-10 12:08 ID:kR9ghULT


386 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2012-08-11 22:25 ID:mCJgzHoK

Indiana, America

387 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2012-10-01 09:07 ID:+YuNn+xS


388 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2012-10-01 22:14 ID:hb5CG9ck


389 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2012-10-03 13:24 ID:dqGPDt8k

 (Japanese Retro PC Room) 80s 90s OTAKU ROOM

390 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2012-12-18 21:49 ID:xypiFsqK

> ctrl+f switzerland
> no results

Might as well be the first one then.
Genevafag reporting in!

391 Name: blue cat!jRs94NhRss : 2012-12-18 21:49 ID:xypiFsqK

> ctrl+f switzerland
> no results

Might as well be the first one then.
Genevafag reporting in!

392 Post deleted.

393 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2013-01-17 14:30 ID:LSBn30Rp


394 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2013-01-20 23:42 ID:F4Jl9IAg


395 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2013-02-02 22:13 ID:BQ8MkRqa

A few other Scottish people here, how ye daein ya cunts haha

396 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2013-02-02 23:51 ID:xEX38XxI


397 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2013-02-03 02:54 ID:iPCY7lJj

Oeiras, Portugal

398 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2013-02-06 14:04 ID:EYAbR8Z+

ONE other human being from new zealand here, and they're in tauranga :(

i'm in christchurch myself, quake city.

399 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2013-02-17 13:27 ID:qpto/SmO

Colorado Springs
We have five military bases.
Please forgive my country, world, it knows not what it does.

400 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2013-02-21 23:35 ID:Heaven



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