What is the biggest, most active, IRC channel out there? (8)

1 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2012-11-30 20:44 ID:cz3y/HCX This thread was merged from the former /net/ board. You can view the archive here.

I'm thinking about introducing a friend to IRC, as she asked me what it was recently. Shes into anime, manga, and visual novels, so showing her a channel about that stuff would be a good start. But if she signs on and just sees a blank screen -a dead channel- then IRC just fucked up it's first impression with her. So, it would need to be active.

So if you know it or have heard of it, please tell me! Thanks in advance.

2 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2012-12-01 17:47 ID:hw4p5s1w

>I'm thinking about introducing a friend to IRC

Why would you want to do that?

3 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2012-12-02 22:25 ID:Heaven

> she

Unless she's willing to show her tits, she's going to have a bad time. Such is the nature of IRC.

4 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2012-12-04 14:21 ID:GYiB1J0x

For fucks sake...

5 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2012-12-23 13:56 ID:HIyN/95q


Does it means all IRC channel is always "a dead channel"??

6 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2012-12-23 19:39 ID:Heaven


7 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2012-12-24 00:06 ID:P6zwnFhT

If you're using a graphical client like mIRC, it might have a channel list feature that lets you sort by no. of users.

Try Rizon. It's a fairly wapanese-friendly server since 4chan and a number of translation groups have made it their home.

8 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2013-01-07 18:22 ID:Heaven

It's also full of pseudo-elitist narcissistic groups that legitimately believe that they're in a position of power on the internet.

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