Health problems in IAA (13)

8 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2015-11-12 16:29 ID:MiiyQigq

Every day, I get home from work, and I collect music, and I'll sit at the computer for hours on end. It used to be good, because I liked music, and the passion I felt for listening to so much sort of splashed into other things.
And now I can't stop. I can barely write or think coherently. I've lost whatever passion or charisma music's given me. I can't palette much information, unless it's delivered in musical form, or else it would be too dull.
I have no friends, terrible academics (formerly; I'm out of high school, but I nearly dropped out), I'm living in my grandmother's house and leeching off of her, terribly insecure, and I'm even struggling with the simple minimum wage job I have.

The worst of it all is that I'm not even listening to much music. Most of my thought goes to collecting terabytes of it with no real application. And to gauge how much music I have, I only collect mp3s in 320.

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