For those who spend more than 12 hours on the internet every day, what do you do?
Youtube, vidya, anime, image/textboards, IRC, Discord, Twitter.
All mostly for memes and political/philosophical bants.
Same as >>2 essentially except for different reasons. It's a distraction.
I just rotate between checking stocks, playing webgames, reading news articles. I don't actually concentrate on anything for more than 30 minutes at a time, if that. I'm basically just trying to pass time until I die. It's kind of a waste of a life. ('_' )
I download music from latin american and russian blogs only to not listen to most of it. Reading stuff on wikipedia. Reading posts on boards, rarely making any myself. I barely watch anime or play video games, sometimes I come across some, thinking I should try it but never get around to doing so. I just loiter mostly on forums and dead sites, follow links, maybe downloading something, thinking about all those users I will never come across.
I'm a 18-years-old girl.
If you talk me, please call +81 80 5941 0307.