Thoughts on the principle/idea of "everything is political"? (22)

5 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2020-09-29 21:09 ID:Ocf7wbor

I saw an interesting exchange about this on a handegg fansite when I was looking for information about an outbreak happening to a club.

>I liked this site better when it was non-political and talked about sports.
>Life is political.
>Says who?
>People who have to fight for the right to be recognized as human beings. People who have to fight tooth and nail to ensure their "unalienable rights" aren't infringed on. But I'm sorry, that's political. And you just want to focus on Football.

The thread then devolved into a discussion about the inevitability of a second civil war in the USA, etc, etc, but the point of it was that nobody in that country should feel safe and secure, etc no matter the subject matter.

It's probably a bit different considering that sports, specifically handegg have been weaponized and politicized but it's an interesting way to look at it, although as I dissect it heavily leans on a very controversial brand of American identity politics that are probably despised/foreign to a lot of internet denizens.
Some see the compartmentalization of political discussion when it technically could be related to any discussion a bad thing because of this, because of the way political things can color every viewpoint a person has.
I don't personally buy into this, considering that it is often very inappropriate to shitfling about race or whatever else on a manga discussion site, when you could do this on the 10000s of places on the internet made for politics. Just some more food for thought on this viewpoint.

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