Best forum on the internet.
it is pretty nice indeed
lots of young girls there talking about having crushes
How long has that site been up? I remember playing flash games on some site that looked like that (the homepage I mean) and had a name like it, sometime in 2008-2010.
Seems kind of normalfag-ish over there but i agree with this poster the only good thing about the site i love young girls.
is this what an alpha male looks like?
>Good at biking, good at scooter, good at karate, good at BMX, and good at math. just your regular old 9 year old Cool Kid.
mogged by a prepubescent boy :(
yeah, how long has the flash site been up?
This gem of a website says 2006:
It kind of freaks me out that kids still use forums, I vaguely remember a forum specifically for kids to discuss music and it got the crap raided out of it constantly.
weird and ugly