Decreasing usability on the web (42)

8 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2017-11-10 23:58 ID:Dkbiv2qH

We made the developers in charge of development, and the designers in charge of design. So we have developers making software into a rolling beta because it's fun (and assures long-term employment to fix the bugs their games created), and the designers treat it all as one big art project. Look at how much system resources are used to generate all that nothing they have in their designs. And all this just causes problem on the new F/UHD screens because their pretty pictures don't scale well, and for some reason fucking boxes can't seem to scale well. If we had stuck with bitmap graphics and fonts (at least for the UI) we'd just need to double up the pixels and call it a day.

And don't even get me started on some of the CSS coloring people use for their standards in HTML. I saw a site the other day that had their bold font set to be normal weight and underlined, and their link font to be bold, but without an underline.

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