( EƒΦE) Clonepa [Crap ass] (999)

1 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4524 05:58 [no]

( EƒΦE) I have no character.

801 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5322 22:17

( E-E) Chicks and vegetables! Add sauce and you got delicious cake, you must eat it!

( E-E)

( E-E) Did you just steal my 800get?

802 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5322 22:40

( EƒΦE) I'm sorry. I didn't know it was yours. You can have it back.

( EƒΦE)‚Β800

803 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5323 01:47

( E-E)‚Β800 Why is it sticky?

804 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5323 02:26

( EƒΦE) I don't have any genitals if that's what you're thinking.

805 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5323 03:50

( EƒΦE) May I borrow yours?

806 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5323 12:54

( E-E) Get in line, Nida has them right now.

807 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5324 00:32

( EƒΦE) I bet he's having a great time with them.

808 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5329 18:39

( E-E) Hmm, he hasn't returned them yet. I wonder how that date with Kim Chee went.

809 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5331 20:41

(EΝE) Clonepa, what was life like before you became known as a crap ass?

810 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5337 20:23

The Council of Clonepas convene to consider a reply.

@@@@@@,,..,,,, @ ,,..,,,,
@@ ,,..,,,/ EƒΦER/EƒΦE R,..,,,,_
@ ./@EƒΦ,,..,,,,@ l@,,..,,,,/ƒΦE R
@b@@ / @@ER /E @@R@@@ l
@ `'°--l@@ @@ ll@@ @@ l---]L

@@@@@@@@@@@ί₯@:@ :@
@‘.@₯@₯:.‘@_,,..,,,,_ @ _,,..,,,,_@@@.:@₯K
@@@@@,,..,,,/ eƒΦeR/eƒΦe R,..,,,,_
@@@@/@eƒΦe_,,..,,,,@ l@,,..,,,,/eƒΦe R
@@@b@@ / eƒΦeR /eƒΦe@ R@@@ l
@@@ `'°--l@@ @@ ll@@ @@ l---]L

811 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5338 05:18

( EƒΦE) None of us are old enough to remember that time, Junior.

812 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5338 16:31

@@@@@@@@ @ Θ,,Θ@ Θ,,Θ
@@@@@ Θ,,Θ ( EƒΦE) ( EƒΦE ). Θ,,Θ
@@@@@(@EƒΦ).(O„¦O) (O„¦O) (ƒΦE )
@ @ @ -‚i„¨(@ @ E) (E @@)„¨‚΅-
@@@@@@@@@@ (@.@l) (l@@)
@@@ @ @ @ @ @ ‚•Ϋ‚•'.@‚•Ϋu'

813 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5338 17:15

( EƒΦE) The Biker Council of Clonepa Badasses doesn't have an answer either. But they were all in favor of kicking Junior's ass for calling them crapasses.

814 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5338 17:31

(EΝE) A bunch of clones on scooters? Oooooo, I'm soooooo scared!

815 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5338 19:04

( EƒΦE) They ride kick scooters. Their leg muscles are trained to perfection when it comes to kicking ass and taking no names.

816 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5338 19:41

( EƒΦE) By "kicking ass" I mean picking flowers.

817 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5339 00:40

( EƒΦE) And they don't take names because they can't afford to buy more paper.

818 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5339 04:08

( EƒΦE) And we're all named Clonepa.

819 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5339 04:14

( EƒΦE) I like brownies.

820 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5339 04:17

( E-E) You like packing fudge.

821 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5339 06:34

(EΝE) Impressive, you can pick flowers with your feet. What are you crapasses gonna do, wave them in front of my face and hope I get hayfever?

822 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5339 17:28

( EƒΦE) ...

( EƒΦE) Not anymore.

823 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5339 19:51

( EƒΦE) You'll love our backup plan though

824 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5339 20:27

( E-E) You need some histamine pills for that hay fever, Junior.

825 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5339 21:54

(EΝE) (ignoring Beady) So you're all going to back up at me, then?

826 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5339 21:59

In local news, annoying brat Junior was harassing a group of
Clonepas. The beloved child stars could only put up with the
constant stream of annoyance for so long before g-
@QQQQ@@@@@@clik@@@ @ΘQΘ @@@@
/@@/ @@| |@@@@@@@+@žΌiEƒΦE@R@That's enough news for today.
l “ρ | @@ | |@@@@@@@@@^ PP’UPP^|

827 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5340 19:37

... before going home.
@QQQQ@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @Θ_Θ
/@@/ @@| |@@^@@@@@@@@@@iLƒΦ` j Slow newsday
l “ρ | @@ | |@@@@@@@@@^ PP’UPP^|
@|;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;|@@@@@@@ |l„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ]l|'

828 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5340 20:10

... before giving out cupcakes at the old folks' home.
@QQQQ@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @Θ_Θ
/@@/ @@| |@@^@@@@@@@@@@iEΝE j Hey! I want a cupcake!
l “ρ | @@ | |@@@@@@@@@^ PP’UPP^|
@|;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;|@@@@@@@ |l„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ]l|'

829 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5342 14:17

before getting all medieval on his ass.
@QQQQ@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ΏΏ
/@@/ @@| |@@^@@@@@@@@@@iE-E j Ewwww.
l “ρ | @@ | |@@@@@@@@@^ PP’UPP^|
@|;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;|@@@@@@@ |l„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ]l|'

830 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5342 16:24

before going to find more clones
@QQQQ@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @
/@@/ @@| |@@^@@@@@@@@@@iEƒΦE) I hope they stop by.
l “ρ | @@ | |@@@@@@@@@^ PP’UPP^|
@|;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;|@@@@@@@ |l„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ]l|'

831 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5342 18:56

... before Grandpa shut everybody up with his trusty Colt .45
@QQQQ@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @Θ_Θ
/@@/ @@| |@@^@@@@@@@@@@iLƒΦ` j Hell yeah!
l “ρ | @@ | |@@@@@@@@@^ PP’UPP^|
@|;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;|@@@@@@@ |l„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ]l|'

832 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5343 03:20

...before 33-san from the new Grandpa thread botched a 'fusion'.
@QQQQ@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @Θ_ Θ
/@@/ @@| |@@^@@@@@@@@@@( LƒΦΝE) FGFGHGENRRGGGGRRRRRRRRGGH
l “ρ | @@ | |@@@@@@@@@^ PP’UPP^|
@|;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;|@@@@@@@ |l„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ]l|'

833 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5343 03:51

...I hate myself and I want to die, because it's winter!τ
@QQQQ@@@@@@@@@@@@@ /iœjiœj
/@@/ @@| |@@^@@@@@@@@@@|@Δͺͺͺ²/ DURRRRR~τ
l “ρ | @@ | |@@@@@@@@@^ PP’UPP^|
@|;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;|@@@@@@@ |l„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ]l|'

834 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5343 07:53

...cause it's winter! turned the gun on himselfτ
@QQQQ@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @Θ_Θ
/@@/ @@| |@@^@@@@@@@@@@iEƒΦE) Yeah, that's more like it.
l “ρ | @@ | |@@@@@@@@@^ PP’UPP^|
@|;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;|@@@@@@@ |l„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ]l|'

835 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5343 16:51

Luckily, it was only a water pistol.
@QQQQ@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @Θ_Θ
/@@/ @@| |@@^@@@@@@@@@@iEƒΦE) Yay!
l “ρ | @@ | |@@@@@@@@@^ PP’UPP^|
@|;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;|@@@@@@@ |l„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ]l|'

836 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5343 17:09

@QQQQ@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @Θ_Θ
/@@/ @@| |@@^@@@@@@@@@@i>Ν< j Sharp like an incisor!
l “ρ | @@ | |@@@@@@@@@^ PP’UPP^|
@|;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;|@@@@@@@ |l„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ]l|'

837 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5343 19:03

Thank you! If you liked this, our next album
should be out in October!
@QQQQ@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @Θ_Θ
/@@/ @@| |@@^@@@@@@@@@@iEƒΦE) I can't wait!
l “ρ | @@ | |@@@@@@@@@^ PP’UPP^|
@|;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;|@@@@@@@ |l„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ]l|'

838 Name: (EƒΦE) : 1993-09-5344 02:43

@QQQQ@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @Θ_Θ
/@@/ @@| |@@^@@@@@@@@@@iEƒΦE) http://iichan.net
l “ρ | @@ | |@@@@@@@@@^ PP’UPP^|
@|;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;|@@@@@@@ |l„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ]l|'

839 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5344 19:27

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!
We'll get back to that killer tornado after these important messages.
@QQQQ@@@@@@clik@@@ @ΘQΘ @@@@
/@@/ @@| |@@@@@@@+@žΌiEƒΦE@R@That's enough news for today.
l “ρ | @@ | |@@@@@@@@@^ PP’UPP^|

840 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5344 19:31

( EƒΦE) Wow, that was a long string of TV gags. I'm pooped!

841 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5344 21:06

In other news beloved child star Clonepa's pooped.
@QQQQ@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @Θ_Θ
/@@/ @@| |@@^@@@@@@@@@@iLƒΦ` j He pooped? Without an anus?
l “ρ | @@ | |@@@@@@@@@^ PP’UPP^|
@|;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;|@@@@@@@ |l„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ]l|'

842 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5344 21:09

No no no! He is pooped!
@QQQQ@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @Θ_Θ
/@@/ @@| |@@^@@@@@@@@@@iLƒΦ` j He shit himself?
l “ρ | @@ | |@@@@@@@@@^ PP’UPP^|
@|;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;|@@@@@@@ |l„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ]l|'

843 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5344 21:13

You know, you're as dense as a b...
@QQQQ@@@@@@clik@@@ @ΘQΘ @@@@
/@@/ @@| |@@@@@@@+@žΌiLƒΦ`@R@That's enough news for today.
l “ρ | @@ | |@@@@@@@@@^ PP’UPP^|

844 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5344 22:48

a box of hammers. The President was only slightly injured,
and a band-aid and kiss took care of his owie.
@QQQQ@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ΏΏ
/@@/ @@| |@@^@@@@@@@@@@iE-E j I hate C-SPAN.
l “ρ | @@ | |@@@@@@@@@^ PP’UPP^|
@|;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;|@@@@@@@ |l„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ]l|'

845 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5347 03:16

( EƒΦE) Even more! Maybe I should start a thread for them. They seem to be really popular.

( EƒΦE) Then again, I've only ever started one thread, and I don't remember how I did it. That was a lot of clones ago.

846 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5347 04:12

Kids, can YOU help Clonepa start a new thread?
While you're thinking of ways to help, we'll play our
Thinking About How to Help Clonepa song!

Doot dee diddly doot dee dootτ
Doobie doobie doot dootτ
@QQQQ@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @Θ_Θ
/@@/ @@| |@@^@@@@@@@@@@iEƒΦE) Oh boy!
l “ρ | @@ | |@@@@@@@@@^ PP’UPP^|
@|;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;|@@@@@@@ |l„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ]l|'

847 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5347 16:45

@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ ΘQΘ
@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ iEƒΦE@)@ I'm trying to build an
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@/@@ άi@@Internet presence.
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@/ ¨@@ |@|
Q_@Q/@ Prius@ //@ FMV @//@ VAI‚n@// ‚le‚‚i‚•‚“ //@LaVie@ /QQQQ
@@ _/_/PPPP//PPPP//PPPP//PPPP//PPPP/
@@ Q /ThinkPad //‚vin‚aook//DynaBook//‚k‚‰bretto // Presari‚/
@@ _/_/PPPP//PPPP//PPPP//PPPP//PPPP/
@@ Q / In‚“p‚‰‚’on //Endeavor//InterLink //@@‚dvo@ //Let'sNote/
@@ _/QQQQ//QQQQ//QQQQ//QQQQ//QQQQ/
@@@@@@@@@„ @ @ @ @ „ @ @ @ @ „ @ @ @ @ „ @ @ @ @ „ @@@@@ @ @ „‘„Ÿ„’

848 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5348 01:20

@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ ΘQΘ
@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ iEƒΦE@)@ Now how do I turn these things on?
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@/@@ άi@@
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@/ ¨@@ |@|
Q_@Q/@ Prius@ //@ FMV @//@ VAI‚n@// ‚le‚‚i‚•‚“ //@LaVie@ /QQQQ
@@ _/_/PPPP//PPPP//PPPP//PPPP//PPPP/
@@ Q /ThinkPad //‚vin‚aook//DynaBook//‚k‚‰bretto // Presari‚/
@@ _/_/PPPP//PPPP//PPPP//PPPP//PPPP/
@@ Q / In‚“p‚‰‚’on //Endeavor//InterLink //@@‚dvo@ //Let'sNote/
@@ _/QQQQ//QQQQ//QQQQ//QQQQ//QQQQ/
@@@@@@@@@„ @ @ @ @ „ @ @ @ @ „ @ @ @ @ „ @ @ @ @ „ @@@@@ @ @ „‘„Ÿ„’

849 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5348 17:40

Oh, come on, kids! Nothing?
You're killin' me here...
/@@/ @@| |@@^@@@@@@@@@@(EƒΦE) Aw hamburgers.
l “ρ | @@ | |@@@@@@@@@^ PP’UPP^|
@|;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;|@@@@@@@ |l„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ]l|'

850 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5349 19:34

( EƒΦE) 850 kids and no ideas. I'm sure they tried their best.

851 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5350 18:44

( E-E) I have an idea! Why don't you try taking your pills?

852 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5350 18:46

( EƒΦE) Hello everyone! My name is Clonepa.

853 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5351 20:44

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@,;'@@';, ,.,.,,.,.,@@@ ,,
@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ,;'@@ @ @@@M"' ;'@';,
@@@@@@@@@@@@@;'@@@ œ@@@@@ @€',
@@@@@@@@@@@@@;@@@@@@( _ ,@ @œ .;@ I'm bigger than life!
@@@@@@@@@@@@@,'€@@@@@@@M°' @@;'@ @@
@@@@@@@@@@@ @;'@,@@ @ @ @ @ @ .,; '
@@@@@@@ ,; ''@;,@,;',@'@@@@@@@@"@"';
@@@@@@@;'@@@"@@@@@@@@@@@ @@:; . . . . .
@@@@@@@;:@@,@@@@@ @ @ @ '" " ;'@@:;:. :. :. :. :.
@@@@@@@' €,.;' €,.,.@ @@@ @@@@@ ; "''''".: .: .: .:.....
@@@@@@@@.: .: .: .:M"'' - €,.,. ,,.,.,;'@@;'.: .: .: .: .: .....
@@@@@@@@@ @...: .: .: .: .: .: .: .: €,.,.;'.: .: .: .: .:.....
@@@@@@@@@@@@@....: .: .: .: .: .: .: .: .: .:.....

854 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5351 21:01

( E-E) Guess that settles it. You definitely lack an anus.

855 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5351 21:09

( EƒΦE) Never needed one before.

856 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5352 08:44

( E-E) But it raises an interesting question: How can you be a crap ass if you have no anus?

857 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5352 15:49

( EƒΦE) I like to think it's a term of endearment.

858 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5352 16:21

(@₯ิƒΦ₯ิ) Pretty sure it's not.

859 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5352 19:06

(@₯ิƒΦ₯ิ) (EƒΦE ) ...
(@₯ิƒΦ₯ิ) (EƒΦE ) Aw darn it.

860 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5354 18:05

( EƒΦE) I really like those eyebrows.

861 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5354 19:41

( ₯ิ-₯ิ) Take your pills.

862 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5354 22:12

( EƒΦE) Okay. I'll ta-
( EƒΦE) Hello! My name is Clonepa!

863 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5354 22:19

@@@@@@@@@@@@ „«@@QQ
@@@@@@@@@@@@ a Ϊ__‚uQ_@No drugs in my neighborhood!!
@@@@@@@@@@@@ a/](EƒΦE )[ŽO_
@@@@@@@@@@@@ ‰Β“ρ[](P)[]mΠi
@@@@@ Ώ_Ώ@@@@@@/ŽO™{ŽO__
@@@@@( E-E) @@@@@@iQ_iQ_j

864 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5354 22:51

( E-E) That drawing sucks. What did you use, crayons?

865 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5354 23:24

( EƒΦE) No.

( EƒΦE) I used Cray-pas.

866 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5355 18:39

( EƒΦE) Everybody loves Cray-pas.

867 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5355 19:55

( E-E) Your drawings are Cray-pee.

868 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5355 20:11

( EƒΦE) Coming from anyone else, that would be hurtful.

( EƒΦE) But you're my friend. I know you're just teasing me!

869 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5356 19:28

( E-E) I .... I really want to hate you.


870 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5356 21:21

( EƒΦE)

871 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5360 15:53

( EƒΦE)

872 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5360 15:56

( E-E) Staring contest!

( E-E)

( E-E) I'll hate you forever if you win this one,

873 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5360 15:59

( EƒΦE) okay

( -ƒΦ-)

( EƒΦE) you win.

874 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5360 16:05

( E-E) snicker Like stealing pills from an OD'd junkie.

875 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5360 16:16

( EƒΦE) I let you win because you wanted to so badly and I wanted to try out my new eyelids.

876 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5360 23:14

( E-E) I hate you so much.

877 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5361 19:11

( E-E) ... and this white hot incandescent one million lux molten titanium hate signals everything is alright in this world.

878 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5361 20:17

( EƒΦE) If you're happy, I'm happy!

879 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5363 15:56

( E-E) Then stop making me unhappy.

880 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5363 17:04

( -ƒΦ-)
( EƒΦE) Hello everyone, my name is Clonepa!

881 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5363 17:26

( EƒΦE) Gather around, kids, and let me tell you a story!

882 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5363 19:58

( EƒΦE) Once upon a time, there was a mean little rab-
( LƒΦ`) What are all you little jerks staring at?
( EƒΦE) Hi! My name is Clonepa!

883 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5363 21:10

( E-E) Please continue your story of the mean little rabbi.

884 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5363 21:36

( EƒΦE) What story?

885 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5365 00:41


( EƒΦE) What just happened?

886 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5365 01:36

( E-E) I derailed this fukken' board. I still don't know how I did it BUT I DID IT SHUT UP

887 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5365 03:09

( EƒΦE) Coooooooooool!

888 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5365 03:15

( EƒΦE) 888get! Yaaaaaayyyyyyyyy!

889 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5365 13:00

( EƒΦE) That was my most symmetrical get yet!

890 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5365 13:43

...onepa gained his most symmetrical get yet.
Comic foil Beady Eyes was unavailable for com-
@QQQQ@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ΏΏ
/@@/ @@| |@@^@@@@@@@@@@iE-E j Laugh while you can, monkey boy.
l “ρ | @@ | |@@@@@@@@@^ PP’UPP^|
@|;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;|@@@@@@@ |l„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ]l|'

891 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5365 13:49

( EƒΦE) History is-a made at night. Character is what you are in the dark.

892 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5365 13:50

@ iQQj@@@
@i QQ j@@@@
@i@EΝEj@ƒ My name is John Squeeks.
@i‚@@ ‚@
@b b@|@@@@@

893 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5365 14:02


894 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5365 14:03

( EƒΦE) Hi, John Squeeks! You're my new best friend!

895 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5365 14:04

( E-E) Finally!

896 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5365 14:28

( EƒΦE) Right alongside my best friend Beady!

897 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5365 14:52

( E-E) I'll kill you you worthless shitheel.

898 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5365 15:13

( EƒΦE) Threads end at 899, right?

899 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5365 15:37

( EƒΦE) Right?

900 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5365 15:37

( EƒΦE) Comeon, one of you guys has to know?

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