ITT we solve the question above us [Part 5] (999)

277 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6864 23:51

The strawberry syrup from the recipe on the FoodWishes blog (whose URL is blacklisted on 4-ch for some reason). Quite pleasant, though far too sweet at the soda dilution ratios the recipe suggests. I would recommend 1 part syrup to at least 5 parts water.

A few times. When I was around five years old, I envied the greater range of clothing cuts available to girls (they get to wear skirts and trousers, and we only get the latter! Blatant sexism, I say!), and when I entered puberty, I learned that girls could have multiple orgasms and was envious once again. Also, girls looked better in long hair than I could pull off, and seemed to have much softer skin than me. That seemed like nice attributes to have. Then when I got a girlfriend, she told me about her excruciating period pains, and my envy subsided rather quickly.

Will there ever be a Kantian-style Enlightenment movement in Muslim nations? If so, what will the results look like?

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