We seem to have lost contact with the Control Tower.[grinding noises] (999)

852 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-7674 23:50

"Onii-chan! Shoot the bunny!" you implore, tugging at his sleeve. He does as instructed, but the rabbit is not so easily foiled. It chooses that moment to abandon ship, just dodging the laser shot which leaves a circular scorch mark in the back of its seat. It hits the ground, rolls, and scampers off towards you, just as the tentacles converge upon and begin to violently dismember the robot. There is a loud beeping noise.

Grabbing the blue container of salt poking from the trousers on the floor, you charge boldly forth and forcefully salinate the mercifully preoccupied titan conflagration of appendages. The tiny white crystals arc through the air towards the beast. The tentacle monster explodes. Now, this could be because the rabbit had set its steed to violently self-destruct, but in a world where butterflies can cause hurricanes can you really be so sure of matters of causality? If the entire system depends on its own previous state, could you not argue that everything is a cause of everything else? And could you not also argue that you just caused the death of that foul beast?

For killing a sapient being, you have gained one skill point and fifty mana.

The rabbit appears, quite prudently, to be galloping away from the impending airborne remains of the tentacle monster. It is heading towards your Onii-chan, who is currently aiming his laser gun at the poor, defenceless little thing.

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