A better textboard (13)

1 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8606 00:00

What are some features that you think would make for a better textboard? Some I'm thinking of


  • Backlinks for replies
  • Stickies
  • Mobile theme/s
  • better admin panel
  • youtube embeds
  • spoiler tags
  • ban list for mods / ban message screen if you are banned


  • watched threads
  • "recent posts" / "recent threads"

I'm currently overhauling my board site and it already has most of Kareha's features, except the >>20-50 or >>3,5,9 kinds of replies -- I'm not sure how much these are really needed. I also have not added per-thread IDs because these are honestly not used much in the real world. It also lacks CAPTCHA but has spamtraps.

Taking all input on functions and design

2 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8606 01:50

Look at this board. A good amount of basicness to to scare away the kids by its 90ies-ish look, while still being reasonably comfortable to use.

3 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8606 04:34

All of those are terrible ideas. Let's see:

Backlinks for replies

Superfluous, messy


See above

Mobile theme/s

No way, mobile users need not to post

better admin panel

Unnecessary, admins should stay out most of the time

youtube embeds

Worst idea possible

spoiler tags


ban list for mods / ban message screen if you are banned

Privacy violation. No need to maintain lists of any sort, banning on textboards should be very rare

4 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8606 05:26

Two of these ruin the textboard entirely. Adding youtube embeds doesn't make any sense because then you would have images. Adding spoiler tags might be even worse because all I would see is people spoilering one or two words in their post because they think it's some huge original joke. They're overused so much that they may as well not be there in the first place; you get used to the spoilers being insignificant jokes instead of actual spoilers and constantly highlight them so you can read the post. In the end, it amounts to the same thing.

5 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8606 08:52

There is no better text board than the Elitist Superstructure Of DQN - it is the elitest.

6 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8606 09:35

better admin panel would be ok, I seem to remember talking to bps about that once and he said that the kareha admin panel is straight out of 2001 and complete ass to use

the rest of those things are dumb though

7 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8607 23:18

kareha's admin panel is kinda shit

I don't see how spoiler tags ruin textboards; you could argue that any form of markup is prone to abuse. but fuck, raw text is prone to abuse too. It can be useful in discussions about media or for jokes, etc etc

> Adding youtube embeds doesn't make any sense because then you would have images.


8 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8608 01:52


>90s looks

Check the post date.

The only thing it needs is fixing the disappearing captcha. Or getting rid of this Nazi tool completely.

9 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8608 16:00

That's exactly what the other guy's saying he doesn't want, and I agree. Surprise boxes is irritating.

I mean, fuck it. If I wanted to be on some fancy board running livechan or vichan+pimp_my_ride, uploading 30MB .mkv files multiple times in each post and getting real-time reply indicators, I'd be there. But I'm not.

It sounds like you're writing your own board software. If that's the case, you should put what you want into it. If people like the result, they'll stay. You're not going to get high quality feedback going up to a bunch of people who are fine with what they're currently using and saying "HEY WHAT IF I MADE SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT".

10 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8608 23:48

There's one feature that might actually improve textboards. Index the front page dynamically based on the last non-saged post, allowing the page order to be restored after bump spam is deleted. There's not a slow forum around that wouldn't be improved by this. Backend mod tools and the previously mentioned bump spam negation are all that is needed. Ylilauta is one of the few sites I know that actually does this properly.

11 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8609 11:35

The only feature I would like to be added is the ability to use filters to order threads, for exemple order threads by creation date. Would be useful in case a spammer came and bump lot of old threads.
Or as >>10 said reload the front page order when bump spam are deleted. But first we need to have mods to delete those bump.
Other feature may be neat but I don't really care if they get added or not. I like that old textboard feel.

12 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8611 11:13

>>10 is a good idea, and I like it.

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