A better textboard (13)

1 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8606 00:00

What are some features that you think would make for a better textboard? Some I'm thinking of


  • Backlinks for replies
  • Stickies
  • Mobile theme/s
  • better admin panel
  • youtube embeds
  • spoiler tags
  • ban list for mods / ban message screen if you are banned


  • watched threads
  • "recent posts" / "recent threads"

I'm currently overhauling my board site and it already has most of Kareha's features, except the >>20-50 or >>3,5,9 kinds of replies -- I'm not sure how much these are really needed. I also have not added per-thread IDs because these are honestly not used much in the real world. It also lacks CAPTCHA but has spamtraps.

Taking all input on functions and design

13 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8996 05:08

youtube embeds could be done with a userscript at any rate, so if you want that you can get it yourself.

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