[COUNTDOWN] let's get >>999 on the 9999th day of this month (999)

725 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9972 00:11

Jim: "OK, so...heee heee...maybe you were living under a rock or maybe you're not wise to the business, but about 30 days ago I was hungry. The show was great - lots of people were there...some people I would rather not have been there, but I'm not the booker so someone else can make the decisions. Next thing I know, I'm standing inside a yoshinova..."
Brian: "Yoshinoya."
Jim: "Yoshinoya...yoshinova...whatever the fuck cause I ain't into that japanime bullshit. There's a bunch of aproned guys, wearing paper hats or some shit..."
Brian: "Employees."
Jim: "What's that?"
Brian: "People who work at a business...employees."
Jim: "I already told you I ain't into that Japanime shit. Anyhoo, one of 'em addresses me, and guess who won the pony!!!??? It's Jeff Jarrett. He's starting a new wrestling company, and he can't let a sleeping dog lie, so he got a job at this greasy spoon so he could ask me to help him with this new company. I don't have anything else to do, I'm not a cook so I'm not going around looking to make my own food - if I was I wouldn't be looking in the wrestling business I can tell you that; so I agree to help him out temporarily. Not long, mind you, I'm hungry, and I don't know how long this rice bowl or pork, whatever it is will take. I'm tired and hungry, I just want to eat some shitty fast food. Is it too much to ask?"
Brian: "Apparently so."

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