Decentralized textboard features (12)

7 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9901 21:44


>But who really likes Google Groups?

I'm trying not to be the guy who's overly harsh on someone for sharing a personal project, but this isn't really a relevant response to >>5's comment about Usenet.

If you meant "Usenet is unpleasant because you have to access it through Google Groups", then that's flat-out wrong, and missing the whole point of NNTP.

If you meant "Usenet is unpleasant because some other people somewhere access it through Google Groups", then I don't think any software is going to solve your problem, and certainly not decentralized software.

So, what you're describing really sounds a lot like NNTP. It's distributed, threaded conversations, thread classification is many-to-many form, and so on.

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