[VIOLENCE] ITT we decide who would win the fight set up by the poster above us (514)

18 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5793 15:04

While the PC is clearly weak versus virus, the Mac has no virus-elemental attack (despite what hollywood would have you believe) as it's only use is as a fashion accessory. PC wins through sheer marketshare.

My Dad VS Your Dad

408 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10935 01:24

Like many young boys looking for employment, Gacy lures John into his home and attempts to ply him with alcohol. In his usual fashion, Gacy introduces the idea of sex to John. However John Wayne, already a pure red blooded American, is incensed at the thought of fallatio with a fat homosexual. gYour not a real man. Your a disappointment to your father.h Those words stop Gacy, he hangs is head in shame. Suddenly, all the sadness and hatred in him surges to the surface and he lunges at the boy. Gacy misses, hefs forgotten that John Wayne is immune to projectiles which always seem to fly around him. Having landed on a vase, Gacy is now mortally wounded and easily subdued by John Wayne.

At first, John thinks the best he can do is end Garyfs miserable life as painlessly as possible with whatever he has available: a large dildo. But realizes Gacyfs skills as a killer could be a useful. He elects to keep Gacy in his basement and feed the killer clown blacks, homosexuals, Indians, and other undesirables hefs picked up off the streets to purify white America of the unwanted.

George Bush vs a Kangaroo with an AK-47

419 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10953 14:49

Lisa is composed out of an amorphous yellow goo and simply reforms after being torn apart. Lain is unmade by the campy pearl necklace Lisa always wears, and must retreat back into the wired to recover indefinitely.

Pothead vs. newborn Adolph HItler

1 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5792 00:15

Clonepa or Superman?

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