[BLOG] ITT your daily life. [BITCH&MOAN] (171)

114 Name: THE REAL TOKIKO!IP.OM4DORU : 1993-09-6914 11:24

btw i'm not 111. hes some random fuck ffomr /jp/ on 4chan who is TRYING to be me but FAILING SO GODDAMN HARD AT IT!!!


LAst night I played L4D2 with some VIPPER. Espeon wanted to play with us but the other people didnt like him so I said no to him. I think he got really depressed so I feel guilty.. the server was full though, it's not like he could have played with us anyway. I feel so bad for him!!!!! He always seems so depressed I just want to give him a uhg. I wrote up a sick post in world2ch's blog thread (whoa! fuckin META!), chatted on IRC some, and passed out. It's beem fcucking hot here. 95 F. What the fuck thats not supposed to be like that in oregon11 jesus christ gtet your shit together weather. Well I passed out and woke up at like 2 or 3 PM. Drank some water, stared at the ceiling, talled to this girl .Then ,my dad took me to the beahh. I bought sunflower seeds TEhy were so godo. I like sunfllwer seeds Played some Counter-Strike and jerked off to some Doujins. Decided itd be fun to drink some gin so *WEPLP here i am!!! im drink1!! BTW Ive also been listening to Doom Metal msiuic. Its the best cuz 1. good guitar 2. good vocals 3. interesting themes ``PAECE OUT HOMIES''

ps ticks why did u ignore meo n irc ?? r u amad at me agiani dont get u at all.. youre such a wirdo.. hehehehe

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