[BLOG] ITT your daily life. [BITCH&MOAN] (171)

1 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6877 15:44

What did you do today?

I slept 13 hours...

101 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6898 07:03

( -) Reminds me of Punpun.

102 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6898 19:49

I had a dream that a snake was making hissing noises from the vent so I forced myself to wake up. It was 1am. It turned out to just be the noisy crickets outside. Unfortunately I couldn't manage to get back to sleep and now it's 5am and my sleep schedule is going to be completely fucked.

103 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6901 02:48

Today I woke up at 7 and ran 3.9 miles in 30 minutes, my furthest yet! Then I went to the film fest and saw one film with a friend and one alone. Now I'm sitting at a bar where the after party is happening. Alone, but I like seeing all the people smile.

104 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6901 03:38

re: treating my gingivitis
End of Week 2: huh. so I guess my teeth aren't actually that sensitive. I've just been neglecting my oral care for so long that I'm lucky to have gums as good as they are now. The flossing still makes me cry like a bitch though. And it's my own damn fault.

105 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6901 06:28

Some girl invited me to her place, I said yes (now wondering if it was the right choice)

106 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6901 08:17

I'm going to go cry myself to sleep

107 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6901 16:28

I woke up at 1pm, ate rice krispies and proceeded to masturbate to a crossdresser. After this I cut my neighbors front and back lawn, then I showered. I made a peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwich, played some Day-z and WoW. I drove my brother to tennis camp at 4pm and picked him up at 5pm. Now im sitting at my computer patiently waiting for dinner.

takes breath

108 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6901 18:16

Woke up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy.

109 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6901 21:03



That game is great. A bunch of us play it on another imageboard from time to time.

110 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6914 03:09

Two of my better friends from middle school and high school are getting married to each other. My best friend since elementary school is now driving to the wedding. I wasn't invited, and there isn't really a reason why. Hell, I met each of those three before they met each other, even!

Way to rub in my lonely pathetic existence, guys.

111 Name: Nameless Book-Reading Youkai !denX47.muQ : 1993-09-6914 05:21

I'll let you people know what I did. Sure thing.
I played that terrible Trading Hatress 2 game. Some day I'll earn enough to trade for a real game!
And then...then it was said to me that I should make a post here; if I posted with a tripcode I'd be given some earbuds. A simple enough request. Shouldn't be any trouble at all.

112 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6914 05:35

>>111 Not worth it, imo.

Today I worked instead of going to Bon Festival. I am a little bummed. I guess I'll have to plan better next year...

113 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6914 07:57

The power went out, and I somehow woke up because of that.

114 Name: THE REAL TOKIKO!IP.OM4DORU : 1993-09-6914 11:24

btw i'm not 111. hes some random fuck ffomr /jp/ on 4chan who is TRYING to be me but FAILING SO GODDAMN HARD AT IT!!!


LAst night I played L4D2 with some VIPPER. Espeon wanted to play with us but the other people didnt like him so I said no to him. I think he got really depressed so I feel guilty.. the server was full though, it's not like he could have played with us anyway. I feel so bad for him!!!!! He always seems so depressed I just want to give him a uhg. I wrote up a sick post in world2ch's blog thread (whoa! fuckin META!), chatted on IRC some, and passed out. It's beem fcucking hot here. 95 F. What the fuck thats not supposed to be like that in oregon11 jesus christ gtet your shit together weather. Well I passed out and woke up at like 2 or 3 PM. Drank some water, stared at the ceiling, talled to this girl .Then ,my dad took me to the beahh. I bought sunflower seeds TEhy were so godo. I like sunfllwer seeds Played some Counter-Strike and jerked off to some Doujins. Decided itd be fun to drink some gin so *WEPLP here i am!!! im drink1!! BTW Ive also been listening to Doom Metal msiuic. Its the best cuz 1. good guitar 2. good vocals 3. interesting themes ``PAECE OUT HOMIES''

ps ticks why did u ignore meo n irc ?? r u amad at me agiani dont get u at all.. youre such a wirdo.. hehehehe

115 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6914 12:14

See, this is how it starts. You get to that age, 17-18, and you start drinking. Then you start smoking. Before long, you've dropped out of college and you're injecting cocaine while listening to pirated MP3s on the sidewalk.

I worry for you, Robert.

116 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6914 13:22

i know i said this besfore but i really think its cool when you do the "real names" thing. every time u see a post thta you think is mine make sure to go "Haha! Great post Tokiko!" or "Robert!" because it really improves the quality of the thread and board at large. (P:S this iswnt shitposting beause its a bad thread already and w/e)

117 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6914 15:25

I seriously don't know what to call you. You change handle every other day.

118 Name: Nameless Book-Reading Youkai !denX47.muQ : 1993-09-6914 19:27


>hes some random fuck ffomr /jp/ on 4chan who is TRYING to be me but FAILING SO GODDAMN HARD AT IT!!!

but the problem with that statement is that I'm not even doing that. I'm not you. I'm not trying to be you. I'm not trying to make people think I am you. When people try to accuse me of being you I try to convince them otherwise in any way I possibly can, short of divulging personal information I wouldn't comfortable with revealing. (And I fear that, even if I were to do so, there would still be those who would refuse to believe me)

Doom Metal huh? mite b cool. Personally I quite enjoy the Power Metal band Lost Horizon. I don't listen to much other Power Metal, or even Metal at all, but Lost Horizon really has that perfect blend of gravitas and ridiculousness.

119 Name: grey!C.MxxuCiTo : 1993-09-6915 03:38

Today I woke up, ran, fapped, broke into a trailer that technically belongs to us but was locked and scored all kinds of awesome tools and parts, which I then used to test a spark plug on my moped. The problem was not the spark plug. Which means the problem is something else. Which sucks because if it was I could just buy another spark plug and then the moped would be good as new.

120 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6915 04:18

I haven't been paying attention to IRC for a couple days. You should get yourself on Rizon and let HIM know if you're playing PFRPG because he's excited and wants more players. You're not going to disappoint him, are you?!

Also, work on your drunk typing. You're too old now for that kind of gibberish!

121 Name: !ESpeoN/nPA : 1993-09-6915 23:53

Is this a brawling thread? May I join the fray?

Tonight, I'm going to bed at 0400. Yesterday I went at 0500 and the day before yesterday - at 0600. I assume my life is changing for the better.

122 Name: !ESpeoN/nPA : 1993-09-6916 18:00

Dear DwittQN,
Today I determined that my circadian rhythm is sync with the local time.
Thus the cause of my recent night-time sleep problems is unknown. I hope it isn't Parkinson's disease.

123 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6917 01:44

I fainted in the street again. The hospital told me I'm now a diagnosed anorexic.

Cool! I like being small.

124 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6917 02:47

You are not small.
You are fat.

125 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6917 03:05

I hope it is, you lout.

126 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6917 09:03

Don't say such things!

No really, I'm appallingly small.

127 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6917 15:06

Two days ago, I had an appointment with the dietician because of my high triglycerides and cholesterol. So I decided to start working out again yesterday, because that was part of the problem. And not going into anything half-assed, I did went at it full tilt. I was completely out of breath and it was awesome.

Now my cheeks are literally sore and so are my legs so I can neither sit nor stand. this is horrible

128 Name: !ESpeoN/nPA : 1993-09-6917 19:40

No way, you klutz. I didn't bother to read a research paper on that topic further than its title before assuming that I might or might not have Parkinson's. I must be okay.

It was very rude of you to say that. I hope deep inside you feel shame for those words. I'm going to spend this evening being very upset about your post.

On topic: today I ate too much watermelon. My tummy hurts.

129 Name: !ESpeoN/nPA : 1993-09-6917 19:46

You should be careful about exercising. You shouldn't have rushed things if you weren't working out lately. That horrible pain might decrease your motivation. Not to mention that "no pain no gain" motto often makes people harm themselves.

130 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6917 19:53

A friend of mine drew me a cute picture for my birthday! It's a bit late but I still treasure it very much.

Why don't you eat? Do you not get hungry, or are you concerned about your weight? If you just don't get hungry, anorexia's the wrong term. What's bothering you? It's hard being thin... everyone's telling you to gain weight and they tell you there's something wrong with you just because you're not as big as them. I'm sorry.. I don't faint because I keep close watch of my blood sugars, but I know what things are like.

131 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6917 21:04

I like to stay below - at the very least - 75 to 80 pounds, and eating is just such a waste of time and effort.

132 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6918 01:38

Keep it to yourself, cockbite.

133 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6921 05:15

I watched Unlimited Blade Works with my friend today.

134 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6921 05:25

I put off my work until too late and now I'll be up all night finishing this crap.

135 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6921 07:34

I consume your bodyweight in protein in less than two average months, buddy. I know I'm obese, but you have a bigger problem to worry about here.

136 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6921 07:38

So the other day I found out there's an academic conference in Zurich starting the day after the SFF con in Birmingham I had planned to spend all my money on, and several of the papers presented seem relevant to my research topics. Guess I can't afford to go full geek after all.

137 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6921 17:24

Today I work. Just like all of the other days.

This is why I don't have an actual blog.

138 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6922 02:12

I worked on a play I've been writing in Russian, read a book (Kidnapped by Robert Stevenson), went to a small digital art gallery/exhibit and dinner with my girlfriend, and then de-soldered some IC's from an old 486 motherboard until the fumes gave me a headache.

139 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6922 12:09

That is bad for you.
What are you going to do with them?

140 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6922 12:46

Agreed. >>131 should probably see a doctor. That can't be healthy.

141 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6922 13:33

last night i had sex with a girl on her period and filled her with semen, then she squatted on my chest and squirted the blood and semen and endemetrium onto me, then i used it to paint a picture of two people having a conversation. Then she painted an inquisitive donkey with her vagina.

142 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6922 15:46

Good god man.

143 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6922 20:04

Use them in a micro-controller.

144 Name: !ESpeoN/nPA : 1993-09-6922 23:39

I don't know which barbershop you would consider to be cheap and which one to be expensive.
I've decided to downgrade from 50$ for a haircut to a tenbux. The former price would be considered as overly high by most of my fellow citizen, the latter is more or less common.
Well, fuckers didn't even wash my head. Come on, do they think that hairdryer will magically make all the cut hairs disappear? I had to wash my head at home because it was itchy is hell. I really hope it isn't because I contracted some obscure skin disease.
Overall, I'd rate the quality of my haircut as 3-/5.

On the bright side, I upgraded my RAM. 8 gigs of DDR2 memory OC'd to 1066 MHz turn this PC into a little beast.

I have a lot of interesting doodads and doings scheduled for tomorrow, but I also promised a friend to stream Skyrim. Stay tuned for updates whenever I dropped my plans for a day full of video games or not.

145 Name: !ESpeoN/nPA : 1993-09-6922 23:40

No-no, he should get YM2149 and use it in a hardware project.

146 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6923 01:06

I have another driving lesson tomorrow, I'm getting a lot better at it.

147 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6923 02:09

Good luck, ( ˃ ˂) !

148 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6924 23:59

Misfortune comes in threes. Girlfriend's gone for a month, failed my driving exam, and my dog died.

(I'm not >>146, btw.)

149 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6925 00:46

I picked some flowers I planted earlier this year and made a nice arrangement for my apartment; it looks and smells very nice. Then I spent 2 hours talking about Aristotle with some dude I met on the subway. Went out shopping with my girlfriend, stocked up on some red wines, and then dusted off some old RTS games when I got back home to kill some time.

150 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6925 04:50

I broke a hole in my door.

151 Name: grey!C.MxxuCiTo : 1993-09-6931 18:25

That sounds really nice. What kind of flowers were they?

Today I'm doing a security audit for a friend and tried to fix a problem with Crunchbang not booting on Dell netbooks because I want to get rid of outdated Ubuntu 10.10 before I start College, but the guide to fixing the problem did not work and now I am worried. Tomorrow is my "Community Day" thing for the school.
If I get everything done I may go sit by the lake for a while.

152 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6938 00:07

I spent the day online looking for a bank that doesn't use chexsystems because I fucked up my finances badly a while back and have been shunned by my bank.

Moral of the story: Make sure you have accounts at more than one bank.

153 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6938 08:22

I failed my driving test.

For a third fucking time.


154 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6938 13:01

Schedule your test for earlier in the month. More people fail later in the month because driving test places are only allowed to pass so many people every month.

I read it on the internet so it has to be true.

155 Name: grey!C.MxxuCiTo : 1993-09-6938 17:11

I'm at my third day of College. I'm liking it so far. I'm just worried about math. I can't wait for my Sign Language class. And I get to boot and use my Linux thumbdrive in my programming class, so yay.

156 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6939 21:40

Today, I posted in w2ch's blog thread.

157 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6952 08:52

I have failed my driver's test a fifth time. It's getting extremely expensive and humiliating.

158 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6957 04:45

Today I was born. It was very traumatic. I am tired.

159 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6957 11:30

I visited a popular website and someone was rude to me.

160 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6960 05:49

I pulled out and came in my girlfriend's mouth for the first time in my life this morning. It felt amazing.

161 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6965 15:23

This morning I woke up to GameBro (Original 1990 Mix). What a weird thing to wake up to.

162 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7018 03:08

so today I was looking up a professor and jesus christ google have some class. http://i.imgur.com/vsqJn.png

163 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7018 06:09

This thread is still here? I thought it died. Well, today I woke up early and screwed around with mai waifu, then we went out to kill some time. After, I saw her off somewhere - I was supposed go tag along, but didn't and felt bad about that. I spent the rest of the day playing LoL (I fucking hate playing Vladimir) and reading bits of the Manusmṛti. Later on a friend called me up, explaining they got kicked out. Bad feels, but I'm in no position to offer up a place to stay so we just talked for a while. Now I'm keeping warm in front of a fire and trying to decide what to do: read some more, play LoL again, or sleep.

164 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7018 09:12

I had a really hard time waking up. I pressed "snooze" button like mad and still couldn't wake up. In the end I just woke up, turned off all alarms and fell asleep again.

Headache, eye pain and backache are killing me.

165 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7018 09:24

Today I logged into Gikopoi which was cluttered. Is there some sort of a national holiday of which I'm not aware?

166 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7018 14:27

She's asleep in the exact middle of the bed and there's not enough room for me on either side.

B-but that's okay. I didn't want to sleep anyway (EցE )

167 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7018 17:22

Cleaned my apartment, hid the liquor and drugs and girly mags, and crawled inside of my couch. Now, to wait.

168 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7018 17:49

Pets are quite something, eh ?

169 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7018 17:57

I've had my hair cut. I like myself now.

170 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7018 19:58

I woke up with a terrible stomach ache at 5. I'm glad I don't remember any of it other than that it happened.

171 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7221 14:31

I didn't put on any socks today.

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