[Part V] ( ・ω・) Clonepa [Crap ass] (426)

1 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8863 16:48

( ・ω・) Hello everyone! My name is Clonepa.

258 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10608 08:30

If someone online asks to meet you in person, give them
your address and meet them at home first, where it's safe!
       V       ∩_∩     
      ∧_∧     (・-・ )  < Ask your family or roommates for some privacy.
     ( ・ω・)    /  ⌒i  
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/.  |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./ NEOPETS / . | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |  

259 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10609 04:55

     (ヽ_ !"〈╋〉`!  /)
   ((⊂ iつゝ-─-イ⊂ i つ))
      ノ / |(・)。(・)|   ゝ.ヽ
    (_└─ ヾ三ヲ└―'  ノ  Got privacy?
       ̄ ̄|     .l ̄ ̄´

260 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10609 04:57

     (ヽ_ !"〈╋〉`!  /)
   ((⊂ iつゝ-─-イ⊂ i つ))
      ノ / |%(・)。(・)%|   ゝ.ヽ
    (_└─ ヾ三ヲ└―'  ノ  Got privacy?
       ̄ ̄|     .l ̄

261 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10609 04:57

     (ヽ_ !"〈╋〉`!  /)
   ((⊂ iつゝ-─-イ⊂ i つ))
      ノ / |(・)。(・)|   ゝ.ヽ
    (_└─ ヾ三ヲ└―'  ノ  Got privacy?
       ̄ ̄|     .l ̄

262 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10609 09:31

( ・-・) Nobody found that funny.

263 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10609 19:51

( ・ω・) Nobody finds you funny either, but I still let you on my show because you're my best friend.

264 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10610 16:28

/ ,' 3  `ヽーっ
l   ⊃ ⌒_つ

265 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10665 19:16

( ・ω・) I'm just glad that god is finally dead.

266 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10665 22:21

( ´ω`) Clonepa, for the last time, that wasn't God, that was the smoke detector.

267 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10666 08:23

( ・ω・) What's the difference?

268 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10666 12:04

( ´ω`) God's the pile of feathers and interwoven halos in the basement, slumbering fitfully as He dreams of the day when He will awaken and purify this sinful plane in righteous hellfire. Whereas, the smoke detector is a tool for detecting smoke.

269 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10707 12:05

( ・ω・) Oh no! We've finally made it to Bethlehem, but there's no room at any of the inns, and I'm so pregnant my water could break at any moment...

270 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10806 17:43

( ・ω・) I can't believe the Christmas special was cancelled. Do you guys know how hard it was to get an actual human uterus with live fetus implanted into my abdomen?

271 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10822 03:47

( ´ω`) You don't have an abdomen.

272 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10831 08:31

  /○     |[FAG]|    ○\
lol |(´∀`)┃┃┃┃┃┃(・∀・)| HERE COMES THE MAN TRAIN!
  |━━━┛┃┗┛┃┗━━━| CHOO CHOO
  |        ┃    ┃        |
  |        ┃    ┃        |
  | ●     ┃    ┃     ● |
   |  @   ┃    ┃   @  |
   |___ .二二二. ___|
    │    │[=.=]|    |
 ─ // __∧_∧_   ──\\─
       |(  ・ω・)| <What's that gay noise?
       \ |⌒⌒⌒~| 

273 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10899 12:48

( ・ω・) Oh, it wasn't a uturus after all. It was just a water balloon.

274 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10899 12:57

( ・ω・) And that wasn't a live human fetus inside it after all, either! It was just a dead human fetus.

275 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10899 13:33

( ・ω・) Our Christmas special was a wet bag of LIES!!!

276 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10899 14:03

In other news, beloved child actor Clonepa has resigned in
disgrace after it emerged that he lied about his recent
pregnancy. Audiences around the world are---
 ̄ ̄V ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 ____      clik     ∧_∧     
/  /   | |       + ◇⊂(・ω・ ヽ I can't bear to watch...
l 二 |    | |         /  ̄ ̄旦 ̄ ̄/|
\_ヽ__|_|       ./______//
 |;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;|       |l─────‐l|'

277 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10899 16:55

Annoying comic foil Beady Eyes was quoted as saying "Ha! What a stupid bitch!" while stuffing his face with bean enchiladas and Mountain Dew in preparation for a gastric bypass. His surgeon recommended the meal, saying that the resulting explosion would be fu---
 ̄ ̄V ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 ____            ∧_∧     
/  /   | |      (・ω・ ) I could watch that a little.
l 二 |    | |         /  ̄ ̄旦 ̄ ̄/|
\_ヽ__||       ./_____//
 |;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;|       |l─────‐l|'

278 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10899 16:57

( ・ω・) Wow, I sure fucked that post up.

( ・ω・) They should make a statue!

279 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10899 23:05

( ・-・) I'm commissioning a stonemason as we speak.

( ・-・) They said they'd throw in a free tombstone if you want to commit suicide out of shame.

280 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10900 23:42

( ・-・) My mistake, it was actually a Freemason.

281 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10901 11:42

|  // /
|// /┃
 / ̄  ┃ 
 |   ∧┃∧
 |   ( ・ω・) Goodbye, everyone! My name was Clonepa.
 |    U U
 |    UU
 |       (○)
 |       ヽ|〃
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

|  // /
|// /┃
 / ̄  ┃ 
 |   ∧┃∧
 |   ( xωx) 
 |    U U
 |    UU
 |       (○)
 |       ヽ|〃
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

282 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10901 15:14

(・∀・) Ooh! Ooh! My first guess is the letter 'E'!

283 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10901 18:35

|  // /
|// /┃
 / ̄  ┃ 
 |   ∧┃∧
 |   ( xωx)  _ _ _ _ E _ _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _
 |    U U
 |    UU
 |       (○)
 |       ヽ|〃
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

284 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10938 14:02

( ・ω・) I'm trying to grow a Clonepa in Easter hay.

285 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10938 22:27

( ・ω・) Is it supposed to pulsate like that?

286 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10941 20:14

  ∧ ∧     ┌──────────────────────
  ( ・ω・)   < The answer of >>283 is "Clonepa died lol"
   \ <     └───/|───────────────────
      \       /
       ∪∪ ̄∪∪

287 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10958 20:12

Later, on today's very special episode of Everybody
Loves Clonepa:
Vat vill ve do widda drunkken Clonepa?
Vat vill ve do widda drunkken Clonepa?
Vat vill ve do widda drunkken Clonepa
Early yin de Mjorningge!
 ̄ ̄V ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 ____               ∧_∧     
/  /   | |             (・∀・ ) Booo.
l 二 |    | |         /  ̄ ̄旦 ̄ ̄/|
\_ヽ__| |       ./_____//
 |;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;|       |l─────‐l|'

288 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10958 20:16

( ・-・) Why are they using the Norwegian cast?

289 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10958 20:20

( ・ω・) We liquified the local cast a while ago, to contain an outbreak of the clone flu.

290 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10959 11:43

( ・ω・) Hellø eværyone! My nåme is Norsk Clønepå!

291 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10959 11:56

( ・-・) A Clønepå once bit my sister...

292 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10961 09:53


293 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10961 20:08

( ・-・) Elvis-Aska is utterly irrelevant outside Japan, so shut up about that idiot.

294 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10962 11:34

( ・ω・) You're utterly irrelevant outside 4-ch, so how's about we shut up about you!

295 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10962 12:40

( ・-・) I'm actually a pretty big deal on tumblr.com.

296 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10962 16:17

( ・ω・) You wish. The Tumblr girls are all busy watching that clip of me drinking milkshake and succumbing to narcolepsy.

297 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10963 16:29

( ´ω`) It's fun to watch the girls who imitate you, trying to get a piece of your fame. They suck on the milkshake, wait to spontaneously fall asleep, and then look sooooo disappointed when they just get fatter.

298 Name: ( ´w`) : 1993-09-10972 18:38

( ´ω`) or even better, get infected with prion disease.

299 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10984 14:00

( ・-・) 300get!

300 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10984 15:00

( ・ω・) You need to 300GET better at timing your posts, buddy!

301 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10998 12:15

      ||. (・ω・`| Well, that's all for this week, folks.
      ||oと.  U| Tune in next time for the spooktacular Halloween psychological horror special!
      || |(__)J| 
      ||/彡 ̄

        |    |
        |   o.|
        |    |
        |    |
         ̄ ̄ whamp

302 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10999 17:14

Next up, we reluctantly let Beady Eyes have another show.
We wouldn't be too upset if you changed the channel now.
"Hey! What is the DEAL with all these fucking cats and ladles anyway?"
 ̄ ̄V ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 ____               ∧_∧     
/  /   | |             (・∀・ ) Oh for God's sake.
l 二 |    | |         /  ̄ ̄旦 ̄ ̄/|
\_ヽ__| |       ./_____//
 |;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;|       |l─────‐l|'

303 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10999 17:57

And another thing, what ever happened to---
Wait, what was that sound? You guys heard that too, right?
 ̄ ̄V ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
/  /   | |
l 二 |    | |         /  ̄ ̄旦 ̄ ̄/|
\_ヽ__| |        / _____//
 |;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;|       |l─────‐l|'

304 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10999 18:54

What's the DEAL with that repetitive thumping sound?
 ̄ ̄V ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
/  /   | |
l 二 |    | |         /  ̄ ̄旦 ̄ ̄/|
\_ヽ__| |        / _____//
 |;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;|       |l─────‐l|'

305 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10999 20:42

( ´ω`) Sorry, didn't realise you were still recording. I'll try to be quieter next time I'm upstairs fucking your mom.

306 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11002 02:21

( ・ω・) He has a mom? News to me!

307 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11002 13:01

( ´ω`) Someone has to sign his permission slips.

308 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11002 15:53

             ,. -‐  ̄三 ‐-
           /       三  三\
          /          三三ヽ
          /    _ | |     三三 ヽ
         /   ( ●)  (● )  三三ヽ
        /      。。      三三ヽ
        /  v-――---―‐‐--、  三三\     Yo, is this the right place for the Halloween special?
      /   i__,......._____.........._  `l   三三\
     /    !、    ....................,ノ    三三. \
   /        ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄          三三  \
  / 、  ヽ、..___               .三三   \
  (_.....:::.  ...........................  .______...................   ==  _ __)

309 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11002 19:05

♪Sore sore sore dokoisho! DO KOI SHO!♪
 ̄ ̄V ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 ____               ∧_∧  Nice beat.   
/  /   | |             (・∀・ ) Can't understand a fucking word of it.
l 二 |    | |         /  ̄ ̄旦 ̄ ̄/|
\_ヽ__| |       ./_____//
 |;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;|       |l─────‐l|'

310 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11003 14:55

 ̄ ̄V ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 ____               ∧_∧  
/  /   | |             (・∀・ ) Whatever, it's probably just some boring love song.
l 二 |    | |         /  ̄ ̄旦 ̄ ̄/|
\_ヽ__| |        / _____//
 |;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;|       |l─────‐l|'

311 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11003 17:30

 ̄ ̄V ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 ____               ∧_∧  
/  /   | |             (・∀・ ) The lead singer looks like Vampire Little Bo Peep.
l 二 |    | |         /  ̄ ̄旦 ̄ ̄/|
\_ヽ__| |        / _____//
 |;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;|       |l─────‐l|'

312 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11017 17:06

( ・-・) Okay, seriously, what the hell is that noise? Not that noise, the other one.

313 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11047 19:11

( ・ω・) I've been informed that you are listening to your mama's bean enchilada farts.

314 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11047 23:24

( ・ω・) If you listen carefully, you can hear the jiggling as her fat pendulous butt cheeks resonate with the airflow.

315 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11051 06:06

(・∀・) Clonepa! Show me your original face before your mother and father were born!

316 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11051 17:06

( ・ω・) What are these mother and father things of which you speak?

317 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11051 23:03

( ・ω・) The only mother I know is the cloning vat, and the only father I know is The Grand Pa!

318 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11052 18:20

( ・ω・) He is the grandest of all Pas!

319 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11052 19:29

(    ) Anyway, here's my original face.

320 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11054 04:33

( ´ω`) You're not my son.

321 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11054 10:47

( ・ω・) Does that make me your daughter?

322 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11054 13:46

( ´ω`) No, you're one of an endless line of personal organ donors.

( ´ω`) Because of your sacrifices, I will be immortal.

323 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11054 22:52

( ・ω・) Yayyyyy!

324 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11056 02:44

( ・ω・) My life for you!
( xωx)

325 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11056 06:07

( ´ω`) Perfect timing, I need the money from those kidneys for hookers and blow.

326 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11063 14:46

     /´o ヽ <Good Morning
   ,.ィゝ     l   
    ̄ヽ     l
       l     ヽ___
     /  ,,...---`ニニニ==、,,__
     l  / ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ l三三三>
      |  iヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ/三三/''ー- 、
     ヽ. ヽ、ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ.∠三=‐''´>‐--‐'

327 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11063 15:20

     /´o ヽ <Mind if I have a quick peck at the entrails of that dead Clonepa?
   ,.ィゝ     l   
    ̄ヽ     l
       l     ヽ___
     /  ,,...---`ニニニ==、,,__
     l  / ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ l三三三>
      |  iヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ/三三/''ー- 、
     ヽ. ヽ、ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ.∠三=‐''´>‐--‐'

328 Name: ゼリーさん !p9m3de0ojQ : 1993-09-11063 19:49

Mr Clonepa, want a sip of my coffee?
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
        /ヽ       /\
       /::::::::::ヽ     /::::::::ヽ
\_/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  ノ     )::::ノ
/            _/      ノ:/
|      ノ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄    __/ ̄
\_∧_./ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\/| ̄ ̄|__  
             |  |_|   |
              |__|   |__|
        /:::::::::::::::::::/^ー:r ̄ ̄ ̄i:::l
        |:::::::::::::i /   ,ノ、__ノ::::|

329 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11063 22:10

( ・ω・) Uhh....

330 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11064 12:12

( ・ω・) Sure!

331 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11064 12:41

  ( ・◎・) slrrrp
  ( ゙ノ ヾ

  ( ・ω・) Hmm, tastes like recurring gag...
  ( つ旦O

  ( ・ω・)
  ( つ O. __
  と_)_) (__()、;.o:。
      _ _  ξ
    (´   `ヽ、     __
  ⊂,_と(    )⊃  (__()、;.o:。
      V V           ゚*・:.。

332 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11064 16:23

      /´o ヽ <Mmm, tasty entrails!
    ,.ィゝ     l   
    █ ヽ     l
     ▀  l     ヽ___
    ■  /  ,,...---`ニニニ==、,,__
      l  / ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ l三三三>
       |  iヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ/三三/''ー- 、
      ヽ. ヽ、ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ.∠三=‐''´>‐--‐'
      __     `''ーッ--t_,r'''´
    (▀█▆`ヽ _/._/
  ⊂,_と(    )⊃
      V V

      /´x ヽ 
    ,.ィゝ     l   
    █ ヽ     l
     ▀  l     ヽ___
    ■  /  ,,...---`ニニニ==、,,__
      l  / ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ l三三三>
       |  iヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ/三三/''ー- 、
      ヽ. ヽ、ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ.∠三=‐''´>‐--‐'
      __     `''ーッ--t_,r'''´
    (▀█▆`ヽ _/._/
  ⊂,_と(    )⊃
      V V

333 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11064 16:50

( ・ω・) Hello, everyone! My name is Clonepa!

334 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11064 22:46

( ・ω・) But my friends call me Meat.

335 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11065 01:36

        /ヽ       /\
       /::::::::::ヽ     /::::::::ヽ
      _ヽ:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/_         Well, It appears to be my fault. >>331
\_/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄        )::::ノ
/            __     ノ:/
|      ノ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄   ヽ__/ ̄
\_∧_./ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\/| ̄ ̄|__  
             |  |_|   |
              |__|   |__|    
             r ::::::::::ヽ、__)旦(_丿    

336 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11065 01:38

        /ヽ       /\
       /::::::::::ヽ     /::::::::ヽ
      _ヽ:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/_         Well, It appears to be my fault.
\_/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄        )::::ノ
/            __     ノ:/
|      ノ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄   ヽ__/ ̄
\_∧_./ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\/| ̄ ̄|__  
             |  |_|   |
              |__|   |__|    
             r ::::::::::ヽ、__)旦(_丿    

337 Name: ゼリーさん !p9m3de0ojQ : 1993-09-11065 01:39

Anyways, I forgot to put the name, and double post, my bad.

338 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11065 14:27

( ・ω・) Unforgiveable.

339 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11065 21:14

(´・ω・`) wait how did the bird survive?

340 Name: ゼリーさん !p9m3de0ojQ : 1993-09-11065 22:39

        /ヽ       /\
       /::::::::::ヽ     /::::::::ヽ
      _ヽ:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/_         I don't know
\_/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄        )::::ノ
/            __     ノ:/
|      ノ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄   ヽ__/ ̄
\_∧_./ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\/| ̄ ̄|__  
             |  |_|   |
              |__|   |__|
        ⊂⌒ヽ  /:::::::::::::\_/⌒つ
         \::::丶:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 7

341 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11066 14:57

( ・-・) Clonepa, this is the lamest Christmas special you've ever aired.

342 Name: ゼリーさん !p9m3de0ojQ : 1993-09-11066 22:50

 ( ・ω・)=つ≡つ 〃(・-・ ) ミ 
 (っ ≡つ=つ (・-・ )  O(・-・ ) whooshwoosh
 /   ) ババババ Oヽ(    )〃ノO "
 ( / ̄∪         ∪∪

343 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11067 13:01

          ノノノ人∂  When's he going to get out his festive winter sausage already?
          ''⌒┃⌒`゛   /⌒○/⌒○
 ____     田     (二二) (二二)
/  /   | |  /        (・∀・) (´ω` ) Any minute now...
l 二 |    | |         /  ̄ ̄旦 ̄ ̄/|
\_ヽ__| |  \    ./_____//
 |;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;|        |l─────‐l|'

344 Name: ゼリーさん !p9m3de0ojQ : 1993-09-11068 01:45

        /ヽ       /\
       /::::::::::ヽ     /::::::::ヽ
\_/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  ノ     )::::ノ
/            _/|     ノ:/  < Whatcha doin' Gramps and (・∀・)?
|      ノ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ し/__/ ̄
\_∧_./ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\/| ̄ ̄|__  
             |  |_|   |
              |__|   |__|

345 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11069 15:22

          ''⌒┃⌒`゛   /⌒○/⌒○
 ____     田     (二二) (二二)
/  /   | |  /        (・∀・) (´ω` ) Just checking out the annual Christmas special porno on HBO
l 二 |    | |         /  ̄ ̄旦 ̄ ̄/|
\_ヽ__| |  \    ./_____//
 |;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;|        |l─────‐l|'

346 Name: ゼリーさん !p9m3de0ojQ : 1993-09-11070 07:46

        /ヽ       /\
       /::::::::::ヽ     /::::::::ヽ
\_/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  ノ     )::::ノ      Clonepa, What am I browsing?
/            _/|     ノ:/
|      ノ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ し/__/ ̄
\_∧_./ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\/| ̄ ̄|__  
             |  |_|   | ___________
              |__|   |__| l |             |
             ノ::::::::::::::::::\      | |             |
           /´:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::       | |             |
          |:::::::::::l::::::::::::::::::::::::       .| |             |
          ヽ:::::,,-ー_~、⌒)^),-、    .|_|___________|
          ヽ ___,ノγ⌒ヽ)ニニニニ   _|_|__|_

347 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11070 15:12

       A,,,,,,A   Oh no, is that a big muscular virile wolf I see?
    ,,,,,,∠    ゙ゞ And I'm just a helpless, innocent little lamb...
 ヾ,;'   ゝ*,,・-・)  He could do *anything* to my nubile little baby goat body and I'd be powerless to resist!
  ;' 、,,,,,,,  ;; ,,◇:'  ...Yiff yiff?
  |_j l_j |_j゙l_j

348 Name: ゼリーさん !p9m3de0ojQ : 1993-09-11070 20:13

            ,,,,,,∠    ゙ゞ 
        /ヾ,;'   ゝ*,,・-・)\
       /:::::::::;' 、,,,,,,,  ;; ,,◇:':::ヽ
       |:::::::::::|_j l_j |_j゙l_j::::::::::::|
\_/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄        )::::ノ
/            ___    ノ:/
|      ノ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄    __/ ̄
\_∧_./ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\/| ̄ ̄|__  
             |  |_|   |
              |__|   |__|

            ,,,,,,∠    ゙ゞ 
        /ヾ,;'   ゝ*,,・-・)\
       /:::::::::;' 、,,,,,,,  ;; ,,◇:':::ヽ
       |:::::::::::|_j l_j |_j゙l_j::::::::::::|
\_/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄        )::::ノ
/            ___    ノ:/      What are you doing on top of my head?
|      ノ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄    __/ ̄
\_∧_./ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\/| ̄ ̄|__  
             |  |_|   |
              |__|   |__|

349 Name: ゼリーさん : 1993-09-11077 22:16

( ゚ω゚ ) Hello everyone! My name is Apenol C.

350 Name: ゼリーさん !p9m3de0ojQ : 1993-09-11095 03:29

 ( ・ω・) It's been many days since this thread has been bumped...

351 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11108 23:04

( ・ω・) unacceptable!

352 Name: ゼリーさん !p9m3de0ojQ : 1993-09-11109 02:44

     ○ 三 ○
   彡  ∧_∧  ミ
  ○  ( ・ω・ )  ○  I can spin my arms around!
   ヾヽ\ y  ) 彡
    ○ /三  ○
     ∪ ̄ ̄\)

353 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11117 10:36

( ・-・) Has the annoying tripfag taken the hint and left yet?

354 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11121 14:21

i hope he dies

355 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11122 00:03

      ||. (・ω・`| Well, that's all we have time for this week!
      ||oと.  U| Tune in next time for the long awaited episode in which we finally reveal Beady's tragic backstory!
      || |(__)J| 
      ||/彡 ̄

        |    |
        |   o.|
        |    |
        |    |
         ̄ ̄ whamp

356 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11132 09:16

(・∀・) What's a "sand job"?

357 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11132 20:59

( ´ω`) It's when you hang out in the desert and don't ask silly questions, now pick up a shovel and start pouring the sand in this hole filled with dead Beady clones.

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