ITT we solve the question above us [Part 6] (866)

194 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7450 00:50

0. The easiest way is to make it your nickname. Most people are willing to comply with nicknames even if they don't know what they mean. Failing that,
1a. Find a cute girl that's Japanese and a little younger than you.
1b. Find somebody who's a Japanophile, it will make your job easier.
1c. Find a cute girl.
2. Become friends. How exactly you become friends is beyond the scope of my advice.
3a. Just ask her to call you onii-chan. It's fairly common in Japan, so she won't think it's weird. Done.
3b. Become closer friends before asking. It might be a bit awkward but she will understand.
3c. You will probably have to make her your girlfriend before she'll comply with such a request, unless you can pass it off as your nickname (see step 0.)
4. If all these fail, change your name to Oniichan.
5. If she still won't call you onii-chan, tie her to a chair and whip her until she does.

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