ITT we solve the question above us [Part 6] (866)

268 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7508 07:20

"Restoring" when I'm in one of my good moods, otherwise too lazy. I was very angry when I found out what it meant, but now I barely think about it. If you care to hear my two cents, scientific studies seem to go back and forth about some potential benefit or harm, so all things being equal it's needless surgery on an infant, which makes complications possible, so it's wrong.

There are many posts by depressed people discussing their depression to be found online. When I type one up, I realize it sounds the same as everything else I've read or just bitchier. Can you make a post about your own depression, real or otherwise, that will make me wildly sympathetic? I want to think that yours is a unique, beautiful depression that is nevertheless relatable.

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