ITT we solve the question above us [Part 6] (866)

331 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-7529 02:36

Assuming you mean anonymous textboards like this one, I think they are great! The lack of identity removes a lot of problems with ego and drama. And compared to anonymous image boards, I find them more interesting...maybe because outside of kopipe, all the content has to be original. Plus all the text scares away people who just want to be lazy and look at pictures.

That said, I think DQN is good not because it's a textboard, but because it's a small community of people in a fairly similar demographic. It doesn't really matter if it's a textboard, imageboard, phpBB, USENET group, mailing list, local cafe, the youtube comments of a deer video, a secret society underneath the abandoned mansion's basement, or an obscure IRC chatroom....having a solid user base is more important than the medium itself.

Do you think dance music can be enjoyed without dancing?

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