CTRL+V THREAD! [part XVI] (999)

111 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10110 05:01

i used to look forward to VR and sexbots and shit until like
its all a psyop
to keep u from realizing how fucking shitty and unfulfilling a modern 4HL of slaving away for the kikes at some makework job really is
like all people want is a fucking house and a wife
instead u get a VR headset that makes ur 10m² bug apartment in a city without a shred of greenery for 100mi LOOK like a house
all this technological advancement and people just use it to pretend like theyre living in a time before all that technology existed lmao
tfw u slave away for mr. noseberg for 50 hours a week to afford holodeck tokens so you can spend your free time in a virtual simulation of a farmhouse on the prarie with a loving wife and some animals and children

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