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486 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10590 20:00

Recollections from Classic WoW, aka a collection of fantasy racial stereotypes:

Orc Warrior(male): No-nonsense, the guild's main tank, probably German, a bit joyless but extremely competent
Orc Warrior(female): Sassy powerbottom, probably from a SPIG(spain portugal italy greece) country, the guild's best physical DPS, big ego, always up for running dungeons but you can only tolerate him in small doses.

Undead Priest(male): Plays the auction house like it's the stock market, used the money to buy a kitted out shadow set in a GDKP raid but always plays holy anyway.
Undead Priest(female): Male stoner, probably a weeaboo, Plays a healer because he loves helping his friends but has a bit of a vindictive streak sometimes

Tauren Warrior(male): Guaranteed to be a retard and also a furfag. IQ in the negative triple digits. Wants to be the main tank but fucking sucks at the game. Has the bad kind of German autism and probably has an obnoxiously obvious RP name like "steelhorn"
Tauren Warrior(female): R A R E. Extremely competent and also cute irl. Bitches love her udders. Encyclopedic knowledge of the game and his class but has no ego whatsoever.

Tauren Druid(male): Grinded high warlord by running flags in WSG. chubby and jovial irl. has every single engineering item and trinket, always has a trick up his sleeve.
Tauren Druid(female): The guild mom. always plays resto. She's not very good at the game but it's ok because she only has one button to press anyway. Mostly plays during the day while her kids are at school. Has 300/300 cooking.

Troll Hunter(male): An actual troll, loves griefing alliance. Has twitchy gamer dark souls reflexes and encyclopedic knowledge of the game which he employs solely for the purpose of fucking with the enemy faction. Has a non-meta pet like a turtle or an owl with a funny name.
Troll Hunter(female): The chick who wrote that leveling guide that everyone used. Seriously, only one person played this ever.

Undead Mage(male): Chinese guy playing on an EU server for unknown reasons. Competent but doesn't speak English very well, calls Horde "the tribe". Frequently spotted alone in Dire Maul for hours at a time during late night server time. Just what the heck is he doing in there?
Undead Mage(female): Alliance ranker's alt. Huge ego, foul temper, no one likes him but he gets premade invites because of his encyclopedic knowledge of every battleground. Either Scandi or German, has been on neetbux since he was 17 and ranked to 14 on every single private server released in the past 12 years.

Some of these may seem oddly specific, but oddly enough those especially are the ones based on multiple encounters with different people.

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