[Contentless] ITT you post right now [ASAP] your current thought [Brains][Thinking][Personal][#46] (999)

870 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10635 22:54

Before my belief in God, I am a textboard poster.
Before all my deepest moral convictions, I am a textboard poster.
Before my political views, I am a textboard poster.
Shii's beautiful face is to me is the axis around which life revolves.
At night in bed I chuckle to myself thinking of past grandpa threads. When programming I can think only of ANUS. When dating women the first thing I do is tell them about my favorite kopipe.
VIPPERs, Dokyun, even /prog/riders, to me you are all like my closest family. All of you from our dwindled little corner of the web. How could I possibly stir animosity with family, regardless of my differences with them? How could I, with clear conscience, come into a textboard thread and shit it up with worthless culture war politics?

You could be a weird ugly deviant, a neonazi, or a trans rights activist. You could be someone I morally disagree with. You could be the most morally reprehensible person to ever live. You could be a murderer, a drug trafficker, a rapist. You could want me dead. I do not care. You post on textboards, therefore you are my brother, and I love you.

Except for halcy, fuck that guy.
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