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976 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10647 23:04

Hypothetically speaking, let's say I want to distribute software under a license that requires all copies of the software come with a copy of the goatse image. Hello.jpg is presumably copyright Kirk Johnson. What would be the legal implications of a FOSS license that requires that the software be distributed alongside a copyrighted image to which the original software developer owns no rights (as unlikely as it is that Kirk Johnson ever enforces his copyright)? Since this is legally problematic (it is asking anyone redistributing copies of the software potentially violate copyright law with the goatse image), would it be better to require the software be distributed alongside a non-goatse but goatse-adjacent image, such as a goatse ascii art or a goatse parody image? This goatse-alternative would then be licensed in such a way as to make distributing it alongside the software legally not an issue. There is a well known goatse ascii art on the goatse websight, does anyone know the copyright status of that ascii art? Can copyright even be enforced for small bits of ascii art like that? What if I stretch my own anus, and then require that be the photo distributed alongside the software instead of the real goatse? Would my knock-off self-goatse have the same psychological impact? Does anyone know where I can contact Kirk Johnson to ask him about licensing his hello.jpg image?

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