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982 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10648 10:49

Let's assume you use the classic Kirk Johnson hello.jpg. By requiring anyone who redistributes the software to commit an illegal act (copyright infringement), it would presumably be treated the same as other unreasonable provision in a contract, such as "by redistributing this software you agree to give me all your possessions", and considered void by most courts.

Your best bet legally is the knockoff goatse. I cannot say whether it would have the same impact. Feel free to share the picture with us when you've made it, I'm sure everyone would love to give you feedback.

If you want to be more hip, try putting hello.jpg through an AI img2img tool. They're legally uncharted territory (model training itself has been held to be legal in the USA, but I'm not sure about img2img.)

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