( ˃ „D˂) Post Angry Things!! (999)

316 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6477 01:26

( ˃ „D˂) Why is it that every single girl I've met that claims to enjoy anime/manga loves yaoi. Seriously. Every. Single. One. No exceptions. And I've actually met quite a few. There was even one that tried to push it on me by sending me a punch of yaoi pictures on Skype, sending me badly-drawn "KAWAII UGUU !!1 ^7___^" chibi-style pictures of her getting a nosebleed over said yaoi, and not only that, but projecting yaoi archetypes onto me. Like saying that I'm an uke-seme hybrid, whatever the hell that means. Thankfully not every yaoi-fangirl I've met are as bad as that. Why are so many girls attracted to two guys donging each other!

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