( ˃ „D˂) Post Angry Things!! (999)

364 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6583 15:13

>>363 has never done tech support, I see.

Millions upon millions of recent university graduates (in the US, at least) do not know how to navigate Windows, cannot find the START button, cannot find the power switch, do not know the difference between closing an application and minimizing the window, either in Windows or (for the two businesses and five people out there who still use them) a Mac.

And, as I said, these aren't octogenarians. These are people who graduated from university with degrees in the past few years. You sit them in front of a computer and they stare at it goggle-eyed with spittle dripping from one corner of their slack mouths and they can't even find the button to turn it on. "The computer ate my report." "Did you save it before you closed it?" "I dno, lol"

Windows 3.1 is older than some of these people are, for God's sake. How do you get out of college--out of high school, for that matter--unable to open a browser and key in a URL? I have no explanation. I have even less explanation for why any business should have hired people who are, in the 21st Century, functionally illiterate and unable to operate the most basic office equipment, the simplest office software.

And I'm beyond the all-capital-letters, twenty-exclamation-points level of RAEG here. It has wrapped around upon itself and turned into a strange sort of calm.

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