( ˃ „D˂) Post Angry Things!! (999)

539 Name: !ESpeoN/nPA : 1993-09-6819 18:06

( ˃ „D˂) GM of [FUN] World Domination Game [EVIL] is biased! What a jerk! He also knows nothing about infrastructure of an actual, real world, Russia and is to lazy to research. I mean, bombing Ulan Bator and Astana is like farting into a silencer. What a dumb choice! Vladivostok on the other hand is an important port town. Also Moscow and St. Petersburg have a heavy anti-air and anti-missile defense and successfully nuking them is virtually impossible. And considering the fact that the rest of Russia is doing its best to move to these cities, the damage of a described attack would be MINIMAL. DO YOU RESEARCH FIRST, YOU GM JERK, OR AT LEAST CONSULT OTHER PEOPLE!! THIS GAME IS UNREALISTIC AND ISN'T FUNNY AT ALL!

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