( ˃ „D˂) Post Angry Things!! (999)

625 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6834 20:26

No. I am saying it's natural, and even with modern societal standards no man would think twice about sleeping with a 15-year-old if they could get away with it. There's a reason so many porn websites advertise they're "BARELY LEGAL!!!" and so on. A short while after starting puberty, women become sexually attractive, so that men want to have sex with them and the human race can continue. This doesn't go away. It's not as though you only find 16-and-above attractive as a teenager, then it jumps up to 18-and-above in your twenties. If I'm understanding>>622-san correctly, he should go for it. The age gap doesn't matter in his situation (I'm assuming in good faith she's not some sort of 10-year-old who takes a fancy to 16-year-olds). People are dumb.


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