[Part III] ( EƒΦE) Clonepa [Crap ass] (999)

349 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6856 13:40

Viewers were disappointed and disappointing as the long-awaited return of cult classic comedy character Clonepa came and went. >>348, one of the studio audience, even committed a major faux pas in addressing annoying comic foil Beady Eyes directly. To this, I must ask...

Do you people not understand how this works? Why don't people watch network TV these days? Is it just not relevant anymore? As a local news anchor, I feel *sniff* so... underappreciated and *sob*--
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/@@/ @@| |@@@@@@@+@žΌiEƒΦE@R@That's enough news for today.
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